Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

Archived in the category: General Info, Obituaries
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 22 Feb 21 - Comments Off on Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

We are a month and a half into 2021 and still waiting for the COVID-19 virus to go away. We’ve masked, quarantined, cleaned every closet and drawer, finished our “to do” lists and spent lots of time with the dog! We’ve had so many rules piled on us; what we can do and can’t do, places we can’t go and people we can’t visit. First Baptist Church POC is the solution to your confusion!

Easter will soon be here (April 5) and the sunrise service will be held this year! That is exciting news, because last year it was canceled and it was looking very iffy for this year. If you have never been, there is nothing quite as awe inspiring as watching the sun rise over the bay while listening to a message on God’s word. This year, Pastor Miller will be preaching. That also means that the FBC Easter egg hunt is being held as well. Spread the word and plan to attend these two events that have become POC traditions.

Our pastor, Brother Phillip Miller and his wife Katrina have been in Port O’Connor since just before the pandemic began. What an introduction to our wonderful town. The good news is that our church has been growing through all this. People are accepting Christ and being baptized. There is excitement in our services every Sunday and Wednesday. If you would like to meet a group of giving, caring, unified, unselfish and Godly people, come join us. We are waiting to welcome you. For information on any of our services, call 361-983-2727. Services are also broadcast on Facebook at Port O’Connor First Baptist Church. We would love to have you with us any time.

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