Grace Stone
Although we’re a few days late, we couldn’t pass up an opportunity to wish Grace Stone a Happy Birthday. Grace was born on February 8, 1916 in Norwich, New York to Maude (a recent English immigrant) and Jessie Ockerman. Mr. Ockerman was an engineer with the O&W Railroad. Because of his position with the railroad, Grace’s family was the first in their area to have a telephone and the first to own an automobile.
Later in life, Grace married Louis Schraft, a popular football player and athletic director. They had two children. Not the type to be content as a stay-at-home housewife, as was the norm in those days, Grace was serious about a career and spent most of her working years as a manager for Montgomery Ward stores.
In 1997, Grace moved to Texas to live with her daughter and son-in-law, Susie and Carl Onishi. In 2000, they all relocated to Port O’Connor, and enjoyed participating in many community activities.
Grace is known for her beautiful quilts, embroidery and wall hangings, many of which she has donated to various fund-raising events in Port O’Connor.
She remains active with her sewing skills, doing crossword puzzles, taking care of her favorite cat, Maggie, and walking four blocks per day.
Due to her sweet nature, Grace has made many friends throughout her life. On her birthday, she received many visitors and cards, three bouquets, and three birthday cakes!
She remains contented, happy and healthy living in Port O’Connor with her daughter
Grace always wanted to live to be 100 years old. Just before her 100th birthday, she told her daughter Susie, “100 is not really old. I’m going for at least 110.”