Port O’Connor Chamber Chat

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 22 Feb 21 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat

If you have not renewed your membership or would like to join, please do so soon! You can join on our website, or find a printable application, at www.portoconnorchamber.com. Membership applications can be submitted to Dawn Ragusin at First National Bank here in Port O’Connor. We look forward to you joining us in supporting our community!!

Here are some of the projects the Chamber is currently working on for our wonderful community. Please visit our webpage on a regular basis for updates and announcements. www.portoconnorchamber.com

• The Chamber signed a letter of support, for grant funding, to be used for the Phase 2 Boggy Nature Park. Allen Berger, Chairman of the Calhoun County Parks Board, gave a presentation on the key concepts included in Phase 2 project, to the Chamber Board of Directors at the January meeting.

• We have received a Metal Silhouette, of a fighter jet, and are in the process of having it erected on property adjacent to the Community Center. This is replica of the planes that flew when there was an Air Force Base on Matagorda Island. The base was first built in 1942 and in use from 1942 to 1945, then from 1949 to 1975. It now belongs to the Department of the Interior as a federal wildlife refuge. It is a great historical site and we encourage you to visit the island while you are in the Port O’ Connor area.

• The Annual Crawfish Festival is currently scheduled for April 24th. Please visit the chamber webpage to download vendor, cooker and sponsorship forms. If you have any questions, please email crawfish@portoconnorchamber.com

• The Port O’ Connor Farmers Market is held the second Saturday of each month at the Kingfisher Beach Pavilion from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Our local artists, craftsman, cookers, and jelly makers continue to make this event a success. The Port O’ Connor Service Club is a loyal vendor each month and has delicious fresh fruit and produce. If you would like to become a vendor you can find the application and rules on the chamber webpage or you can email pocfarmersmarket@portoconnorchamber.com

Happy Anniversary Dolphin Talk!!!!

It is hard to believe that twenty-five years ago, three ladies, Margaret Jennings, Charlotte Graham and our very own Joyce Ryme came to the Chamber of Commerce seeking opinions about printing a local newspaper in Port O’ Connor. As many of you remember the only way to “get the word out” was by word of mouth or looking at the bulletin boards throughout town. These ladies made this a reality through hard work and dedication and we still enjoy a free publication each month. Please join us with a big thank you to Joyce for her service and wish her and the Dolphin Talk a Happy 25th Anniversary.

If you love this community, please come get involved. Our next Chamber Meeting is March 8th at the Community Center

Thank you to our new and renewing members!!!
American Inn & Suites
Becky Spicak, Realtor RE/MAX Land& Homes on the Bay
Dawn Ragusin LLC
Designs By Darla
Exp Realty Julie Thomas, Realtor
Maddens Lounge
Oz Realty Team
PCS Coastal Services, LLC
Siegeler Insurance Agency
Speedy Stop
The Two RV Park
TISD, Inc.
Vasquez Construction
Wicked Voodoo Guide Service

Belinda & Tim Bush
Debbie Michalek
Craig & Suzanne Williams
Britton & Suzanne Braudaway
Mike Overton
Troy & Mary Wygrys
Sue Glover
Roger & Elyse Ross
Michelle Davis

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