Art Benefits Crash Victims

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Mar 21 - Comments Off on Art Benefits Crash Victims

Dieter (right) and Lokas Company sales and customs organizer, Norbert Peschel. with Jaws of Life

Dieter (right) and Lokas Company sales and customs organizer, Norbert Peschel. with Jaws of Life

Dieter Erhard of Art Center Seadrift has just published a limited edition of his first art photo book. Instead of selling it, he asked for donations towards Guatemala help projects. As a result, he was able to purchase a “Jaws of Life” to be given to the fire department of La Antigua, Guatemala.

Humberto del Busta, past Rotary president who was instrumental in recovering the fire station from a 2017 takeover by dissidents, looking forward to the delivery of this life-saving equipment, said, “There are many curvy roads coming in from Guatemala City, where bad accidents occur. Fast response is essential to save lives. Crash victims will benefit from this life-saving tool.”

Dieter thanks the Lukas Company for the special price and shipping of the Jaws of Life, and his Rotary Club of Erlangen Schloss for handling the donation funds.

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