Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Mar 21 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Did time change catch all of you as well? I was not ready to lose an hour of sleep! But, now if we would just leave it like this, I would appreciate just losing this one hour!

God is moving and we sincerely appreciate His graciousness! People’s lives are being touched by the Master and minds are being transformed. Please know that you will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

Easter Sunrise Service is in the planning stages. Yes, we will gather at the Front Beach at 7:00 a.m. for a time of singing, listening to great music, and receiving a great message from our First Baptist Pastor! There will be hot coffee, so bring your chairs, or ATV and join us on Easter Sunday, April 4. Pastor Phillips will be greatly anointed and you will be glad to have been a part of our community gathering!

The Chapel Pantry is still fully functioning. We are feeding needy people and having great response from the community in bringing in the food and funds. Thanks for caring for hurting people. If you find yourself or a friend in need of food, please come by and allow us to help.

Captain Robert is returning for another Sea Academy beginning March 19. He tells me that this class if full, but he is scheduling students for future classes. He is planning to return to Port O’Connor on June 11 for his next class here and interested students should call him at 361-758-6189 so you can be ready to get your Captain’s License. The Chapel, in cooperation with Captain Robert, has offered these classes since 2,000 and many people have been greatly blessed by them. Careers have been made, life directions have been changed, and people have progressed in life because they came to the Chapel and got a new start! You will be welcomed!

Our men went to Hallettsville for a Men’s Breakfast on March 6. It was a great time of fellowship on the ride there and back as well as a time of feasting from inspiration and excellent food. The next Men’s Breakfast will be here at the Chapel on May 1, at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome.

Our ladies are going to Houston, March 19 and 20, for a Ladies Conference, called Abide. They will be having a special time of gathering and enjoying friendships of the past and making new ones. Those interested in attending should contact Pastor Joane at 361-648-4622.

The 19 churches from our area will be having a combined Revival on March 25 and 26. Victoria First will be hosing the event. On Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m., Evangelist Gene Summers will be ministering and on Friday evening, Evangelist Rod Vincent will deliver the Word of God to us. The music will be lead by Pastors George and Linda Kutach. There will be a time of fellowship following each service. All are welcomed. Victoria First is located at 4205 North Ben Jordan Street, Victoria.

Fisherman’s Chapel is moving Pastor Erny’s office. He will be in the JEM Center, Room #1, which is up the ramp or steps and to the end of the porch. Pastor Joane will be occupying the former pastor’s office in the main building after it is remodeled. We sincerely appreciate the work of Tom and Jackie Kasti, who are making it all happen!

Pastor Joane has been ministering on the “Be-Have Attitudes”. also known as the Beatitudes for the past several weeks. She is now talking about “fasting” and for some reason, we are all a lot more hungry than usual! I guess it takes doing without something to make us appreciate it more! You are welcome to come and be a part of these inspirational services.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to make the road from here to Heaven successful for all us travelers! Bible Study begins at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday, wit the Morning Service at 11:00. Sunday evening we meet at 6:00 p.m. and we gather on Wednesdays at 7:00 P.m., after corporate prayer at 6:00. You are invited!

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