Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Mar 21 - Comments Off on Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

We had our one week of winter and it really caught our attention this year!!  Hardly anyone in our community escaped without some kind of damage to pipes or trees and plants.  Now we are really appreciating these sunny 700 days.

Spring must be near because Easter is just around the corner. FBC will hold the children’s egg hunt on Saturday, April 3, at 2:00 p.m. for preschool through 6th grade. Bring your children/grandchildren and their baskets (we will have free baskets available if needed). Each age group hunts in their own area and there are special prizes for those that find the golden eggs. Afterwards there will be refreshments for everyone. Come join the fun! The next day, Easter Sunday, make plans to get up early and attend the Sunrise Service at 7:00 a.m. at Kingfisher Beach. This year, there will be a new and improved audio system with four speakers. This should allow everyone to hear the entire service.  FBC pastor, Bro. Phillip Miller, will bring the message. Stay afterwards to enjoy Cathy’s cinnamon rolls, coffee and orange juice. At 10:00, join us at FBC for Sunday school for all ages and then church at 11:00.

Our choir members were delighted to learn that we can again begin practicing and singing for Sunday morning services. Making a joyful noise to the Lord is a true blessing and the choir members have missed being able to do so these last many months. If you would like to participate, come join the group any Sunday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. FBC’s awesome choir director, Bro. Raymond Grant, is waiting to welcome you. Solos are not mandatory!

Vacation Bible School dates have been set for this year. It will be held Sunday, July 11 through Wednesday, July 14. Make plans for your children/grandchildren to attend. Last summer with masks and social distancing, all activities were held outside. The children loved it, but, thankfully, this year we will again be inside for most of the time. Thank you, Lord, that restrictions are easing. If you would like to volunteer to help, contact Candice Stryker (361)655-8224.

Besides the activities already mentioned, we have several other opportunities for you to participate in at FBC. The mask mandate has been lifted, but some still may feel more comfortable wearing them. Hugs and handshakes are optional!

Sunday:            T                            
Sunday school – 10:00
Church – 11:00        :
Bible Study – 6:00  
Youth activities – 6:00 
Tuesday: Women’s Bible study at 4:00 and Men’s at 7:00

Wednesday: Prayer meeting – 6:00
Youth activities – 6:00

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