Tracey Johnson
Stepping Up
Tracey Johnson is running for Seadrift Councilwoman in the May 1st City Election. She moved to Seadrift sixteen years ago to take a job with Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine. Her job changed later when she went to work for Coastline Trailers. She has been an active member of the Seadrift Chamber, serving as an officer and, most recently, as the President. Also, Tracey is a volunteer with the Seadrift Volunteer Fire Department.
Tracey says she is running for Councilwoman to step up “to the next level” of her community involvement. City government is new to her, but she is eager to learn and serve Seadrift to the best of her abilities. She wants to work hard for the citizens of Seadrift and be their voice. Her vision is to make Seadrift one of the best small towns around. She wants to make a difference.

Kenneth Reese
A Seadrift Legacy
Kenneth Reese is running for Seadrift Councilman in the May 1st City Election. In his own right he is a Seadrift Legacy. Growing up in Seadrift, he worked various jobs and says he knows just about every person in town who was here before the 90’s. His family moved here in the 50’s and, even while Kenneth was working in Victoria, Seadrift always remained his home. Kenneth calls Seadrift his hometown because “I love this town, the bay, the people, and the easy-going life.”
It was in 2017 when Kenneth started serving as a Seadrift Councilman. He has worked in various departments: The Harbor, Solid Waste, and currently Public Utilities. Kenneth says, “I would like to continue my job as Councilman as I feel I am very much in tune and up to date on the still very fluid operations facing our city at the present time. Most of the FEMA projects will be coming to a head in the near future… I would like to be a part of it.”

Kristine Metcalf
A Greater Voice
Kristine Metcalf is running for Seadrift Councilwoman in the May 1st City Election. Ten years ago Seadrift became her home. She calls Seadrift a “little quaint town” that she fell in love with. Soon after Kristine moved here she started getting involved with different organizations. The first was Seadrift’s Centennial Committee. The Seadrift Chamber of Commerce became next as she held offices which included president and treasurer. She also volunteers at the Feed My Sheep food distribution.
If elected, Kristine says she will “make sure that all residents will have a greater voice in city matters”. She has twenty plus years of global corporate experience and because of her line of work she says “I’m passionate about people and advocate for them”. Christine also says “when you love something you step up, you fight for it and do whatever it takes to make it better.”

June Cantrell
Making Her Mark
June Cantrell is running for Seadrift Councilwoman in the May 1st City Election. Having lived in Seadrift for twenty-three years, she has made her mark in the community in three different ways- humanitarian, ministerial, and agricultural. June worked for I.C.A.R.E., a hurricane relief organization. Over the years she served in a pastoral role in local churches. She continues to fill that role as needed. and she worked for the County Extension office.
In 2013 June began serving as Seadrift Councilwoman. She has served in various departments as well as being mayor pro tem. June stated: “I’ve always been interested in government on many levels. I like to know the “why” behind decisions made for the public.” She also said that while acting as mayor pro tem during Hurricane Harvey that, having seen the destruction it caused, her passion is fueled to work hard for the people of Seadrift.

Geoff Hunt
The Captain
Geoff Hunt is running for Seadrift Councilman in the May 1st City Election. We have dubbed him “The Captain” since he has been a Tug Boat Captain for the Port of Point Comfort for several years and takes great pride in his profession. Geoff calls Seadrift his home since he was raised here since he was a boy. He has been on the Seadrift City Council for five years.
The reasons Geoff wants to be on the City Council are that he wants “to be part of the solutions to issues our town faces and participate in this way in keeping our small community as one of the best places to raise our families.” Geoff, also, states he is “committed to protect your interests and values as a resident. I hope you will allow me to continue voicing your concerns and to be able to help on the development and constant improvement that this wonderful town requires.”