Port O’Connor Service Club by Alane Haardt

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 May 21 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club by Alane Haardt

The Ladies of the POC Community Service Club would like to thank all who shopped at our booth at May’s “Farmer’s Market”!!  Your generous donations are very much appreciated!!

As we move forward in our mission to give back to the POC Community, the Service Club would appreciate input from you, the residents of POC, for suggestions on projects that will enhance and/or improve the POC Community for its residents and visitors.  You can either personally contact Club Members with your suggestions, or mail your suggestions to the Club at PO Box 341, Port O’ Connor, TX 77982.

The Club continues to accept your generous contributions of gently used household, decorative, and kitchen items; small appliances; clothing; shoes; toys; children’s and baby items; furniture; etc.  We cannot accept computers, electronics, or mattresses.

To donate, please contact:   Alane Haardt- 281-416-6028 Nancy Ladshaw-830-832-0510 Marie Hawes- 361-920-2322

The Club meets the first Thursday of each month during June, July, & August, with June’s meeting being on June 3, 2021 at 10:00 AM at the POC Community Center.  We welcome all who are interested in joining us!!

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