Republican Club Elects Officers

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 May 21 - Comments Off on Republican Club Elects Officers

The Calhoun County /Republican Club, at its last meeting, elected new officers. The following will serve a two-year term:

President: Russell Cain
Vice-President: Carol Stewart
Sec/Treas: Connie Hunt

At their May meeting, Sheriff Vickery and Judge Mayer gave excellent talks on the situation at the border. The Club will be sending a group to testify before the August Redistricting Committee. They feel they desperately need a Coastal Bend District and would very much like Todd Hunter to be the District Representative
The Club meets monthly and dues are $25 per person, per year.

If you are interested in being a part, please contact Connie Hunt at

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