Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jun 21 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

It was so refreshing to have two professors from our Bible College in Phoenix, Arizona, with us! Doctors Bob and Sherry Jones truly ministered to our hearts. Dr. Sherry is Tom Kastl’s sister and join us in praying that they get to move to POC! “Brother Bob” ministered on Sunday morning and “Dr. Sherry” preached on Wednesday’s midweek service.

The Warrior’s Weekend was a lot of hard work, but extremely rewarding. This year, I asked the hard workers to arrive at the Community Center by 3:00 a.m. so we could prepare the meal and have time to spend with the troops. We were so blessed to get to sit and talk with our honored guests from all around the country. Personally, I spent about 30 minutes with a husband and wife team, both vets, from the Atlanta, Georgia area. They were an amazing couple who love their country, but also love their Lord! We could not accomplish this goal without the hard work and long hours from many special people. I will not try to start naming them, because I will miss so many. So, a ‘blanket’ “Thank You!” will have to do for now. One does not have to be a  part of the Chapel to come help because all hands are welcomed!

The Sea Academy classes with Captain Robert was a great success with ten students, each earning their Captain’s Licenses. We have been partnering with Captain Robert since 2,000 and have seen hundreds of students move forward with their life’s goals through the Sea Academy. The next scheduled class will begin on August 20. If one would like to be a part of that class, they should contact Captain Robert as soon as possible because classes are being filled each session. He can be reached at 361/785-6184.

The Retreat Center is seeing a lot of use. We recently had a Prayer Group from Houston come and were extremely refreshed. We are hosting a group from El Campo at present. The Baptist Church has booked the Center for their Vacation Bible School workers, who are coming in from Arkansas. And others are coming. I asked the Lord, “Why a Retreat Center?” and I believe He told me it was to help change the atmosphere over Port O’Connor! I truly feel that goal is being accomplished.
The Pantry continues serving the needy of our community. We have several people who contribute regularly to keep the shelves filled so when people come with their needs, we are ready to assist. Port O’Connor truly cares for its own! Thanks for allowing us to be a part!

Father’s Day will be very special again this year at the Chapel. Each dad present will receive a special gift. Pastor Joane will be delivering the message and each man will be challenged from God’s Word. It would be great if every family in Port O’Connor would gather to honor the “man of the home” and we at the Chapel would be blessed to have families come!

Most of us realize that the Middle East is of great importance to America. There has been a lot of new things happening recently – among them the moving of the Capitol of Israel to Jerusalem, the agreements with Arab nations and Israel. On Monday morning, July 12, at 10:00, the Reverend Don Nordin will be speaking from Scripture concerning the importance of these events to our nation. This is not Pastor Nordin’s first trip to the Chapel and he has been a longstanding friend of Pastors Joane and Erny. Anyone interested in Bible Prophecy should make a special effort to attend this special service. Lunch will be served following.

The Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to exalt our Lord and build His Kingdom in this community. Everyone will find a warm welcome here. Our service schedule includes Sunday Bible Study at 10:00 a.m., the Morning Service at 11:00 a.m., and our Evening Service at 6:00 p.m. We also have our Midweek Service each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is urged to, “Come, grow with us”!

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