Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jun 21 - 0 Comments

Proposed Voting Acts

From our founding, the United States of America has been a flawed but ambitious and aspirational nation that has made continuous gains towards our promise of liberty and justice for all.
One such gain is our unending fight for voting rights. Unending, because while our nation bends towards equality there are those with political and financial power who continually fight to make it harder to vote especially for the poor, the young, the elderly, women, and people of color.

We need HR1/S1 For the People Act and HR4 John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to pass the Senate ASAP to preserve, protect, and expand our voting rights from those who seek to make it ever harder to vote including purging voters from the voting rolls to prevent them from voting.
Please call, email, tweet, etc our Senators to get them to pass these bills.

Brandelyn Wiser
Port Lavaca, Texas

Election Integrity

The 87th Texas Legislative session did not end well for the top eight priorities for the Republican-led House. Two of the most serious issue failed. First, the election integrity bill failed when Democrats walked out to kill the vote and the second bill that failed was the bill banning gender modification.

I want to be clear, in my opinion, the 2020 Election was stolen in the middle of the night. Many vote counts stopped without any reason and then later resumed. The Dominion voting machines did not have strong security measures to prevent hacking, and illegitimate methods used under the guise of Covid to expand voting outside the normal bounds were well documented.

The House of Representatives passed “For The Peoples Act” HR1, yet it is stalled in the Senate, and it should never be allowed to pass to be a new law. Far-left Democrats have become like radicalized bees that know no bounds and seek to undermine the basic tenets that make our Republic great.

Democrats have condoned the burning and looting of cities and towns in the name of social justice. In addition, Democrats favored the removal of statues because the history of the statues offends them. Democrats agree with kneeling to protest the country as racist. Covid has been used as a cover to control the population using lockdowns and forcing mask mandates and shaming those who don’t or will not. The same goes now for the “new vaccines,” which is a subject of great debate. Dr. Fauci is proven to be more of a liar every day, and the origins of Covid are now seemingly not important.

The Biden/ Harris regime ringed the Capital with barbed wire and military for their coronation, treated the soldiers with contempt, and then sent them to the border to pick up trash. The recent edicts to decimate this country with open border policies, only to flood the country with new potential voters for the Democrats, are an ill-conceived notion that will negatively affect the country. If this is not enough, Democrats are championing the cause of defunding the police.

My illustrations of the facts should alert your senses to danger when a Democrat-controlled House and Senate want to get involved with election integrity to steal and plunder votes while demoralizing the country. These people will do and say anything to gain power and to keep it. Therefore, elections must stay decentralized and controlled by state legislatures and maintain strict standards for voting and counting the votes. This includes showing a valid driver’s license or legal Id.

Chris Mapp
Port O’Connor

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (exception at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests; therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

Dolphin Talk; PO Box 777; Port O’Connor, TX 77982 dolphin1@tisd.net

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