Veterans at Warrior’s Weekend show off their fish caught in Port O’Connor Waters. The red drum on the left was the largest catch of the day, weighing in at 33 pounds. -Photo by Mike Hessong
For those of you who are new to Port O’connor, there is a special event honoring combat wounded veterans that is held locally once a year known as Warriors’ Weekend. Traditionally held in the summer, the event – put on by the nonprofit organization known as warriors weekend.org – treats qualifying vets to a weekend chock-full of guided fishing trips, catered meals, and even an opening-night poker tournament for those who wish to play, which begins after the annual fish fry that kick things off. A little fish and chips, if you will.
For many years now, much like the changing of the seasons can be felt in the bones, you can sense the presence of the returning warriors as they make their approach. Almost like clockwork, local citizens begin to band together in an effort to adequately prepare for the festivities. With attendance of prior years reaching 600+ participants and a potential price tag upwards of $500,000, it is definitely quite the undertaking to behold.
Although attendance was only a fraction of that in past years, due to the pandemic as well as the unexpected visit from some bad weather, neither mother nature nor covid was getting in the way that day and we without falter, vets could be found out on the water in the elements, “rippin’-lips” POC style.
In conclusion, Warriors’ Weekend has been and, I believe it always will be, a great happening to witness. A certain sense of pride is inevitably felt from being part of a community who puts forth such a strong effort to show most deserved appreciation to those who have fought, as well as been injured, in defense of the liberties we enjoy today. Beginning in 2007, Warriors’ Weekend has 15 years down and, hopefully, many more to come. With each year by typically larger than the prior, one can’t help but wonder what is coming around the bend.