I am a Republican by Katy Fojt

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Jul 21 - Comments Off on I am a Republican by Katy Fojt

Somehow the topic of politics nowadays isn’t about policy as so much it is about the person.

One could debate President Trump’s words but when it comes down to the matter, do you vote person or policy? I’m a Christian. In James 2:17 it says “Thus also faith by itself, if it is does not have works, is dead”. I believe that to be true of politics. One can talk the talk but do they walk the walk? President Trump walked the walk. By the media coverage he was given one would not know what he accomplished yet do your own digging and one will find many of his accomplishments for the people. He put America first. He stood for all and never apologized for being American.

In a documentary by Justine Malone called “Uncle Tom” Chad O. Jackson, an African American small businessman, talks about when he became a Christian in 2009. As he was speaking to a Christian friend he told his friend he was a Democrat. He said it was because of all the government programs that assist the ones in need and doesn’t the Bible say Christians are to look out for the poor people. His Christian friend asked him is the Bible talking about the government or about you? This friend then asked for Mr. Jackson to read the Republican platform and then read the Democratic platform and to ask himself where he saw his values and views. Mr. Jackson realized he related more to the Republican platform.

How many of us have actually studied the parties’ platforms? How many of us vote based on what or who is popular? One can easily be deceived if one relies on social media or mainstream news. Remember the Garden of Eden. Be sure you know who’s trying to feed you the apple. Be informed. Study each political platform and ask yourself this, does your political party represent your way of life? Do they uphold your values?

If you sense you are a Republican and are interested in learning more, Calhoun has local clubs. Meetings will be at the VFW Hall. The Calhoun County Republican Club meets the first Monday of the month and the Intracoastal Republican Women of Texas has been newly formed. (Contact chunt36@yahoo.com for more information.) Russell Cain is our county Republican chair and can help answer any questions you may have. Educate yourself and vote your values.

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