Opportunities Versus Obstacles By Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Aug 21 - Comments Off on Opportunities Versus Obstacles By Erny McDonough

Opportunities and Obstacles seem to be at opposite ends of the normal life, but I have learned that they most often come together as a pair! We rarely see any connection between the two, but when one presents itself, the other follows closely behind. Wrongly we assume that when we have an opportunity, there should be no obstacle – just clear sailing into our future. Or, we face an obstacle and fear that the story ends right there and there will never be an opportunity. We often just give up and hope that success will be found next time.

Please allow me to use an Old Testament illustration. If you want to read it for yourself, it is found in the Book of Joshua, Chapters 1 through 6. The Children of God, the nation of Israel, had finally arrived at the geographical entry point to the Land that God had promised to them. Abraham was the first one to receive this land promised, but he never got to truly occupy it as God desired. Now, many years later, Moses and the nation of Israel were miraculously liberated from their Egyptian’s oppressive captivity and had been walking for forty years. Now they were at the outer boundary of this land of safety and plenty – a national land where they could live in peace and prosperity and raise their children in safety. All that they needed to do to complete this task was to cross the Jordan River.

If you are a Bible student, you well know that these people had been at this very spot before. This was not the first time they had been presented with this incredible opportunity. Their reconnaissance had been completed and the land was exactly as God has promised it would be. A prosperous land with houses they did not build but would inhabit was theirs for the taking! Vineyards and orchards they did not plant were theirs as a golden opportunity. Ample wells they had not dug and lush fields of crops they had not planted could be enjoyed. But there were three obstacles – the Jordan River was at flood stage, there were giants who lived on the land, and there were walled cities that they had to conquer.

The Children of Israel had anticipated the opportunity, but they had failed to prepare themselves for any obstacles. Had God not warned them of pending problems? They had listened to only what they wanted to hear! God instructed them they would have to possess the land and dispose of the inhabitants of that land. Did they think it would be easy or automatic – that every enemy would welcome them and simply move out of their homes and farms, happily vacating their lands and cities?
Before Joshua and Israel was this wonderful land of opportunity! But, also there was the natural barrier of the Jordan River, swollen at flood stage and the man-made fortified City of Jericho. Both stood as a challenge to their faith! And, my friends, this is the message I want to talk about – obstacles are simply challenges of our faith! Will we choose to believe God and receive the promises or will we choose to look at the problems and forget the power of our Lord?

Here is what I have found to be true in my spiritual life: obstacles will confront every opportunity! It has been true in both the spiritual and natural realms of my days. There will always be some difficulties that challenge our progress, setting a price and sacrifice, which I must be willing to pay before I can proceed to victory. It comes as a package deal! Why should I be surprised each time it happens? Is it true every time in my past experiences? Yes, because “anything worth having is worth working for” as my Dad’s sage advice! Anything that comes cheaply, quickly, or easily will not be much of an opportunity.

Every opportunity will have its enemy! The goal of our enemy is to destroy the joy and peace in our lives. It is everything that is anti-God! There is an evil power working on this earth today. Any voice that births fear, doubt, and distrust in God or His way of doing things is not good! Our main challenge is to discern our true enemy! It is not necessarily dangerous to have an enemy, it is dangerous not to discern him! A diamond-back rattlesnake is not a problem as long as he is caged. He can only be a problem when I do not know where he is and that he can bite me, trying his best to kill me!

Opportunity is present with every obstacle! For every subtle resistance of natural difficulty or even blatant opposition of spiritual adversity, there will be amply provision and eternal faithfulness of God! Many years earlier, when Moses stood at the un-crossable Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army in hot pursuit, Moses heard the Lord saying, “Do not be afraid!” Moses instructed the Children of Israel to stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will bring today. “The Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still!” The Israelis’ obstacles of the Red Sea, the wilderness journey, the Jordan River, Jericho, and all the other battles simply had to be disposed of before the opportunities of the Promised Land could be realized!

The Children of Israel were exactly where God intended them to be – with a flooded river and fortified city before them. They were in the place of destruction – an enemy to defeat and a city to be overthrown! All God wanted them to do was “Don’t Panic!” Just trust!
When we walk with God in the opportunities, with faith and obedience, God will walk with us through the obstacles, with His direction, protection, and provisions. We can expect great advancement when we believe, exercise faith, in our Loving Heavenly Father!

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