Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Sep 21 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

My first thought each morning of late is “How is Pastor Joane?” She has had successful open heart surgery and is recuperating faster than normal. Having a heart attack is no fun and having to wait a week for the surgery is torture, but hopefully she will be home very soon, probably before you are reading this! We sincerely appreciate all of your prayers and we even have some who fixed me meals – thanks!

To make matters worse, Pastor Joane’s brother, Johnny Gonzales, who was living with us, passed away while she was still in ICU! Thankfully, the surgeon is a Christian and helped us get through the initial shock. God always has a plan, if we will simply follow it! We are looking toward October 2, for a memorial service for Johnny. Further details will be forthcoming.

We have begun our busy Retreat season. This past weekend, we had men gather for a time of fishing and fellowship. The place was filled! On Saturday morning, Chapel provided breakfast for them and it was a great success. Eighty biscuits, twenty pounds of Dick’s sausage, six dozen eggs, and over a gallon of gravy was served and it was finished off, along with gallons of coffee and orange juice. We would have enjoyed more Port O’Connor men being present, but we will have another one before long and trust all will make plans to attend.

Pastor Joane will be leading a Ladies Retreat on September 24 and 25. On Friday, there will be a special gathering and on Saturday morning, a delicious breakfast. No, it will not be the same as for the men, but especially designed for our ladies! All local ladies are invited to attend. Please contact Pastor Joane for details at 361/648-4622.

The Ladies Retreat is the first of seven weekends of Retreats at the Chapel. Each weekend we have groups of people coming to take advantage of the beautiful coastal Texas. They will be coming from West Texan, East Texas, and all points in between! It will be a great time of rejoicing as we welcome people to the Chapel.

Captain Robert will be teaching another Captain’s Class at the Chapel on October 15 through 22. All who wish to be a part of that class should contact Captain Robert as soon as possible to reserve a place in this class. He can be reached by calling 361/785-6194. This is the last class planned for this year at the Chapel.

The Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to help everyone we can along this pathway to eternity. We meet together on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. for Bible Study; 11:00 a.m. for Morning Service; and 6:00 p.m. for Evening Service. We also meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. for our Midweek Service. One will always find a warm welcome a the Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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