Port O’Connor Chamber Chat

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Sep 21 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat

It is hard to believe that the POC Farmers Market celebrated its one-year anniversary back in August. This event started out in August 2020 in Josie’s parking lot with approximately 20 vendors. The interest and traffic were more than we anticipated, so we moved to the Kingfisher Beach Pavilion a couple of months later. The market continues to grow, and we see new vendors each month.

If you are in town the second Saturday of the month, please come and shop from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for homegrown and homemade products. It is never too early to get those Christmas presents.
Please enjoy the recently cleaned pavilion at Kingfisher Beach. Darla Parker and Sue Glover, both Port O’Connor Chamber board members, spent a couple hours power washing the concrete and picnic tables. It looks so nice and welcoming for our residents and visitors.

The Chamber will be working on several upcoming events this fall, including Trunk or Treat in October, a Poker Run in November and the Toy Run and Boat Parade in December. We will keep everyone posted about these events as well as other things going on so remember to refer to our webpage www.portoconnorchamber.com.

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