Port O’Connor Service Club by Alane Haardt

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Oct 21 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club by Alane Haardt

The POC Service Club would like to thank all who came out to our “Fall Mega Garage and Bake Sale” on Saturday, October 2, 2021!! We also appreciate your generous support at our monthly Booths at the Farmer’s Market!! Your generous donations, and unwavering support, are very much appreciated!!! All proceeds from our fund raising efforts, go toward the beautification, improvement, and enhancement of POC, and to support the many charitable activities and programs of the POC Community!!! Without your continuous support, none of this would be possible!!

At our October 9th Farmer’s Market Booth, our ladies gave away pumpkins for a “Pumpkin Decorating Contest”. Cash Prizes were awarded to the winners!
The Club continues to accept your generous donations of gently used household, decorative, and kitchen items, small appliances, clothing, shoes, toys, children’s and baby items, furniture; etc. We cannot accept computers, electronics, mattresses, or microwaves. For your convenience, we now have a “Donation Drop Box” located at the front of our new Donation Center. If you would like to donate furniture, please call one of the ladies listed below, so that arrangements can be made. If you are dropping off items at the Donation Center, please notify one of these ladies so that we can go out and secure your donations:

Alane Haardt- 281-416-6028
Diane Cooley- 903-467-6335
Nancy Ladshaw-830-832-0510
Marie Hawes- 361-920-2322

The Club’s November meetings are on Thursday, November 4, and November 18, 2021 at 10:00 AM at the POC Community Center. We work hard, but have a lot of fun, and welcome all service-minded ladies who are interested in joining us!!

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