Learning is Fun at Port O’Connor School!

Archived in the category: General Info, School News
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Nov 21 - Comments Off on Learning is Fun at Port O’Connor School!
During Drug Awareness Week at Port O’Connor Elementary, left-Kynslee Brown and right-Brendan Brandt dress as future CCISD teachers. -Monica Peters

During Drug Awareness Week at Port O’Connor Elementary, left-Kynslee Brown and right-Brendan Brandt dress as future CCISD teachers. -Monica Peters

At Port O’Connor Elementary, Reagan Eure, Hayden Diaz, Nierrah Ysassi and Lilly Ferretiz enjoyed eating their bat snack after reviewing the body parts of a bat. -Monica Peters

At Port O’Connor Elementary, Reagan Eure, Hayden Diaz, Nierrah Ysassi and Lilly Ferretiz enjoyed eating their bat snack after reviewing the body parts of a bat. -Monica Peters

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