POC Trunk or Treat 2021

Archived in the category: Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Nov 21 - Comments Off on POC Trunk or Treat 2021
“Halloween Queen” Shay Winkler

“Halloween Queen”
Shay Winkler

As many of you who know, Halloween has always been an exciting time in Port O’connor. Children and parents alike pull out all the stops striving for the scariest, albeit most enjoyable, experience possible, almost as if a part of a spooky showdown.

This year’s Trunk or Treat proved to be no different. Much like the Halloween carnival of years past, a costume contest was available. While there were no game booths, there was no shortage of candy or fun.
Amidst all of the scary costumes and smiling faces, a great sense of community could be felt. With everything always changing, it was a great feeling watching my son, as well as all the rest of the attendees, get to experience the same fun and excitement that I remember from growing up and celebrating Halloween in POC.

A great thanks to any and everyone who contributed to the event. It not only provided a fun, safe environment for our children, it let those not celebrating the occasion a respite from repeated knocks or doorbell chimes.
For those who missed it, be sure to turn out next year. You’ll be in for a treat. -Caleb Esnault

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