Possible Impossibilities by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Dec 21 - Comments Off on Possible Impossibilities by Erny McDonough

Merry CHRISTmas! How many truly believe that December 25th is Jesus’ birthday? How could we believe it? There are a lot of things that we associate with Christmas that are simply impossible! Reindeer carrying a little fat man to all the homes – all around the world on Christmas Eve! Everyone knows that reindeer fly much too slowly to accomplish that feat!

When we review the Biblical Christmas Story, it appears there are just too many difficulties to overcome for it to be real – BUT GOD’S WORD DECLARES, The impossible is possible with God.

Let us examine a priest named Zacharias. There had been no fresh words from God for over 400 years! It seemed that God stayed silent and cared nothing for His creation. But people were carrying on with the worship that had been handed down by their ancestors. Zacharias was chosen to enter the Holy of Holies in the Temple. This task, to present a sacrifice to God in the Holy of Holies, was allowed by God to take place only once each year. The chosen priest had to tie a rope around his ankle in order that those outside the veiled covering could retrieve his body if he had attempted to go before God without the proper preparations. Those awaiting his exit were getting concerned, because he was there for longer than normal. When he came out, he was mute – could not utter a word. A tablet was passed to him and he told the people what had happened. The angel of the Lord had met him at the altar and told him that he and his wife would bear a son, and he had told God’s Messenger that it was impossible for his wife to bear a child because she was too old. The angel said, “Zacharias, to prove that what I am reporting is true, you will be speechless until after the birth of your son, who is to be named John. GUESS WHAT? His wife got pregnant and gave birth to a son and Zacharias regained his speaking ability! Truly a Possible Impossibility!

Zacharias’ wife was named Elizabeth. She had been childless all her life and now was past childbearing age. She desperately desired a child, especially a son, for her culture demanded it, if possible. After the angelic appearance for her husband, she became pregnant, and before the age of sonograms and reveal parties, she knew it was to be a son. About three months before “John” was to arrive, she had a visit from her cousin, Mary, who was also expecting a child. When Mary greeted Elizabeth, Scripture plainly states that “John leaped inside Elizabeth” and God filled John with his Spirit. Impossible, but possible with God!

There was a young virgin living in an Army town, named Mary. She remained sexually pure, which would have been improbable, but possible! As a result of her dedication to God to keep herself until marriage, God caused the virgin birth to be a reality! The promise was that a Messiah would come from such a girl, but most never believed it. With society being such with such low moral standards, it would seem to be an impossibility, but it was possible with God. And behold a virgin conceived with child of the Holy Spirit and brought forth the Son of God!

There was a group of rough shepherds on the Judean hillside, caring for their master’s sheep. They were not having a prayer meeting or singing hymns, just being shepherds, and an angel came. In fact, it was a complete choir of Heavenly Hosts with a message that a Messiah Child had been born in Bethlehem. So they left their sheep, their tasks, and went to investigate. They found the scene exactly as the Angels had spoken – a Baby wrapped in strips of cloth, lying in an animal feed trough – a simple manger. What an impossible evening, but Glory to God in the Highest – it was possible with God!

About eighteen months after the shepherds finding the cave where Jesus was born, there came Wise Men from the East. They had seen a star in the Eastern sky and had followed that star, traveling in the darkness toward the greatest light of the whole world! The star took them by the King’s palace, but the new King was not there. The star reappeared and brought them to the house where the young child lay. They were so enraptured that they refused to tell the KIng where the new king was – they went home a different way! I have always found that when people of whatever status in life have an encounter with Jesus, they always leave another way! This would be a fable if impossibilities were not possible with God!

How is it possible that the Creator could become the creation? God being born and becoming a human? How is this possible? Now for Him to be born in Bethlehem, with parents who lived about 100 miles away in Nazareth was prophesized and happened because of an ungodly taxation from an ungodly king! But Scripture also reports that “out of Egypt I have called My Son.” That happened because their ungodly king was so mad that the Wise Men did not come back and report the whereabouts of this upstart, that he had all the children, two years and younger executed. But God was in charge and directed Joseph to flee to the safety of Egypt and return to Nazareth after the death of Herod. And because of the costly gifts the Wise Men had presented to the Baby Jesus (gold, frankencense and myrr) Joseph had the funds to travel to Egypt. How could one baby be born in Bethlehem, called a Nazarene, and live in Egypt! Impossible with man, but all things are possible with God!

This is not just a Christmas Story, but one that will help us during the upcoming year! When we are faced with what appears to be impossible, we must remember that with God nothing is impossible! So Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with a God who makes all things possible!

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