Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Jan 22 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

We are in our Month of Birthdays – celebrating pastor Joane’s arrival about 16 years ago! We think, in total agreement with her ideas, that a day of celebration could never be enough – she deserves at least 30 days – but since it’s January, she gets 31 days!

We were blessed to have Jessica Gonzales, who is doing amazingly, from Florida here for the special celebration. Jessica is a hometown girl who successfully completed a year in a Houston Rehab ministry. After excelling in that assignment, she was asked to go to Florida to help start a ministry there. They had 21 ladies in that program as of yesterday and the Lord is placing Jessica in a special leadership role. If you know anyone who needs real help with addictions, please allow us to help you and you may be amazed at what the Lord will do in your life as well!

The celebration continued with a family birthday gathering at Vicky’s home. Vicky outdid herself with a delicious meal. I wish I could say that she learned her great cooking skills from us, but I learned a new dish while helping her put the finishing touches on a superb meal.

Not to be outdone, the Chapel Family came together with us on Birthday Eve and enjoyed a potluck dinner on Wednesday evening. There was so much excellent food that we had a hard time passing the leftovers around so nothing would be left at the Chapel. Everything was so special and thoughtfully accomplished, from the decorations to the cleanup. What a great evening!

Then it was off to Houston, to celebrate her birthday with her sister, Linda. Time with family is always time for rejoicing and this trip was no different. Ther will be additional opportunities for people to wish her best wishes for the rest of the month! BUT, she deserves all the full people are making over her for she is a remarkable lady, a great wife, mom, and grandmother, and an exceptional Pastor and preacher of God’s Word! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PASTOR JOANE!

When one drives by the Chapel, they will wonder what is going on! We had S&J Construction from Seadrift put a new front on our building! I am sure the old front was built by the Apostalo brothers (Paul and Henry) when they rebuilt the lumber yard after Hurricane Carla in 1961. (It hit Port O’Connor on 9/11/61.) We bought this building from Joe Bright, who had the Intercoastal Lumber Yard. That was over 26 years ago and it has been Fisherman’s Chapel ever since! We have been wanting to update the exterior for several years and now have got it done! Thank God and come see what the Lord is doing at the Chapel!

With the passing of another year, we are planning the Annual Meeting of the Members. It will be on February 27, at 6:00 p.m. and everyone is welcome to attend. We will be sharing the reports of God’s Blessings and the enemy’s trials in that meeting. We will also be electing our Board of Directors who serve this congregation as Pastor’s Confidents.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to reach this community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have very many opportunities to be a blessing to those who attend. We have Bible Study for all ages (both youth and adults) each Sunday at 10:00 a.m., which is followed at 11:00 a.m. by Morning Service. We regather at 6:00 p.m. and are encouraged to face the week with Jesus each Sunday evening. On Wednesday’s we meet at 7:00 p.m. for a time of fellowship and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We also maintain the food pantry, and what we call “Chapel Mart” for things this community provides in the way of clothing or furniture.

Anyone who needs additional assistance or special prayer should call Pastor Joane at 361/648-4622 or Associate Pastor Erny at 361/218-6693. all will receive a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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