Hooked On Books by Alane Haardt

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Feb 22 - Comments Off on Hooked On Books by Alane Haardt

Hooked on Books Club Attendees at their February meeting

Hooked on Books Club Attendees at their February meeting

February’s Book Club Meeting is officially “in the books”, was fantastic!! Hostesses, Terri McGuire, Darla Miles, and Pam Johnson outdid themselves in every aspect, and the beautiful Valentine decorations and warm atmosphere of laughter, camaraderie, and merriment were immensely enjoyed and appreciated!!! In keeping with February’s book, Giver of the Stars, by JoJo Moyes, which is set in the poverty-stricken Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky, the Ladies started out with a hilarious group toast of two different flavors of “Moonshine” (Appalachian Apple Pie and Blockader’s Blackberry), and all agreed, through the laughter, that it was really, unexpectedly good!! They also sang “Happy Birthday” to two of their “Birthday Girls”- La June Pitonyak and Jeanette Henke!

Following the toast, the ladies enjoyed a delicious “Kentucky” meal of fried chicken, potato salad, tossed salad, a beautiful fruit tray, a variety of candy and cookies, spice cake with Bourbon sauce served in Mason Jars, wine, tea, and flavored water.

The Group then held an in-depth, interesting, and intense discussion of the book, with all fifteen ladies getting involved and “putting in their two cents” about the various characters, events, emotions, history, and ups and downs of the book. All agreed that it is a wonderful book- beautifully written, historically based, accurately depicting the horrendously austere, difficult, and impoverished lives of the coal mining mountain folks of Kentucky, and the “Pack Horse Librarians” who tried to help them.

The Ladies marveled at how the book’s characters persevered, despite all they had to endure to survive; and were still able to find joy, love, and happiness in the middle of their hardships!!

The book emphasizes how important faith, loyalty, love, and the support of family and friends are to our survival; that money can’t buy happiness; and that education and knowledge truly do play an important role in one’s success and improvement in Life. It was a fun and entertaining meeting, and everyone thanked the Hostesses for making it such a fun and entertaining event!!

The Book Club’s next meeting will be held on March 8, 2022 at 2:00 PM, and March’s book is Blood and Money by Thomas Thompson. If you would like to join “Hooked On Books”, please send your contact information to alanehaardt@yahoo.com. All are welcome!!

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