Pastor Phillip Miller presents a tearful Mary Nell McGee with the Citizen of the Year Award.
Thursday, February 10, at 6:00 p.m. a sellout, standing room only crowd, celebrated with FBC as they held their 25th Sweetheart Banquet. The community center was transformed with beautiful silver and white decorations and FBC Pastor Phillip Miller, opened the evening with prayer. The food was delicious (beef tips over rice, green beans, corn casserole, rolls, salad and cake). Dorothy Rhueman entertained everyone with her extraordinary voice. She opened with “God Bless America” and proceeded to bless us with one beautiful song after another.
The evening was filled with memorable and exciting moments, but the most poignant was the announcement that Mary Nell McGee was the recipient of the FBC 2022 Citizen of the Year award. There was a standing ovation for her and not a dry eye in the house when she made her acceptance speech. No one is more deserving of this award than Mary Nell. Her contributions to FBC and our town are so numerous and don’t go unnoticed. We are blessed by knowing her and POC is a better place because she is here.
Later in the evening, FBC honored the longest married couple in attendance. This year the honor went to Mr. and Mrs. George Yarborough who have 67 year marriage. Brother George told the crowd that they had never had a fight. He is a former pastor of FBC, so we know that is the truth! What a testimony! The couple that had the least number of years together (3) is Jeremy and Peggy Edison. They have a way to go to match the Yarboroughs! God bless them all.
A lot of preparation goes into this event each year. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED. We will see you in 2023 for the Texas Bluebonnet and Barbeque 26th banquet.
Honored at the Sweetheart Banquet:

Peg and Jerry Edison
Married 3 years

Barbara and George Yarbrough
Married 67 years
-Photos by Jessica Diercks