Clint & Corky
Island Winds and Easter Sunrise
Greetings from the island everyone! I hope that all of you are doing well and adjusting to the Spring time change. It always takes me awhile to adjust, because I like starting my days not with a clock, but instead with the rising of the sun. So with sunrise being a bit later, I feel like I’m getting a late start. But that’s OK, it’s not a fire drill, and it’s not like I have a time scheduled job at which to report.
The weather days are getting nicer, but these winds have really been brutal. I think those March winds have certainly carried over into April, and I just hope that they start dying down soon. There are days that the high winds, 20-30 mph, simply make it not worth the risk in trying to cross the bay. Yes, it would probably turn out fine, just an uncomfortable and long rough ride, but it would only take once for a rogue wave to cause havoc and make you a drowning statistic. . no thank you.
What I do hope that April brings are some much needed rain showers. It has been a good 6-8 weeks since any decent measurable rain has fallen on the island, so I could definitely use a good drenching out here. And with my garden just now getting underway, the occasional soaking rain would be wonderful. There’s just something about a good rain watering the garden, and having a more positive effect on the plants versus watering them from a hose or watering can. I believe that the falling rain helps oxygenate the soil and has a better outcome.
Well Easter is but a few days away, a wonderful time of year to give thanks and feel blessed for what you have. We always wish for our lives to be better, and to have “things” to make us more comfortable, and often overlook just how good we have it. I can assure you that your life could ALWAYS be worse, so enjoy every sunrise and sunset that you can. And speaking of sunrises, I’ll head down to the island beach early that Sunday morning, to enjoy what will hopefully be a beautiful sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico waters. I find every sunrise to be beautiful, but Easter morning sunrises are truly special, and I hope that everyone can see it.
That’s it from the island for now, everyone take care and have a wonderful Easter Sunday.