Happenings at First Baptist Church By Diane Cooley

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 May 22 - Comments Off on Happenings at First Baptist Church By Diane Cooley

On Mother’s Day Sunday, Pastor Phillip Miller announced that he is resigning his position at First Baptist, POC, to become associate pastor of Church by the Fort in Copperas Cove, Texas. His last Sunday with us will be June 12. He and his wife, Katrina, came to FBCPOC in late 2019, and have guided us through COVID difficulties, his own serious health issues and also his wife’s health concerns. We know God is leading them to this new chapter in their lives because he has great plans in store for them in Copperas Cove. God sends all Christians into the world as apostles, to serve Him and to serve people. Now, He is sending the Millers into a new mission field near Fort Hood. We pray they continue to seek God’s direction and that His will be done as they lead their new congregation. God will bless them mightily as they minister there in an area filled with retired military.

EASTER WEEKEND was filled with people here in POC. Our Easter egg hunt was flooded with children, which is just the way we like it. Every basket was full and all the refreshments were gone when it was over! The Sunrise Service was crowded, as usual. It is always a very special time to worship in such a beautiful setting. There were estimates of as many as 1,000 people attending this year! It continues to attract more and more visitors.

TEAM KIDS end of year swim party was held at the home of John and Sarah Kay Reneau on Wednesday, May 18. There enjoyed hotdogs, games and so much fun!

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held June 6-9, from 1:00 – 4:00 each day. This is a new time from what was in last month’s newsletter. You can register your child online or on the first day of VBS at church. You can go on Facebook to find a link to Lifeways event planner.

KAMP KHAOS (for the younger kids) will be held June 20 – 23. YOUTH CAMP, for preteen and teen, will be held July 11 – 15. See details on line or contact the church for details. (361-983-2727). What a busy summer at FBC!!!

SHOE BOX MINISTRY AND FOOD PANTRY are year round concerns for us. Please remember these two worthy areas as you shop.

We are waiting to welcome you to any of our services and studies. No charge and all are encouraged to attend! Come join us and experience God’s word being proclaimed at FBC.

SUNDAY SERVICES – 10:00, 11:00 and 6:00
TUESDAY – Ladies Bible study 4:00 and Men’s 7:00.
WEDNESDAY – Youth activities and Prayer meeting,
both at 6:00 p.m.

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