Port O’ Connor Community Service Club by Alane Haardt

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 May 22 - Comments Off on Port O’ Connor Community Service Club by Alane Haardt

The ladies of the POC Service Club have stayed busy this Spring with their meetings and many, many projects, all of which benefit the POC Community!!

Meetings: During summer months, the Service Club meets only the first Thursday of each month: June 2, 2022; July 7, 2022; and August 4, 2022. If you are interested in joining this hardworking, fun-loving group, please contact one of the ladies listed below!! All are welcome!!

Community Center Sign: The Club has ordered, and is awaiting the delivery and installation of the new sign for the Community Center. We have not been given a definite arrival date from the manufacturer yet!!

Palm Tree Replacement: The Club recently approved donating $650.00 to the “POC Beach Beautification Project”, which is working with Calhoun County to replace palm trees lost in the 2021 February freeze at King Fisher Beach and Washington Blvd.

Scholarships: The Club is awarding scholarships of $750 each to four deserving POC Seniors who will be graduating from Calhoun County High School in May. Congratulations and best wishes to these fine young people in all their future endeavors: Brianna Craighead, Madison Hawes, Tarah Munsch, and. John Rosenboom!!!

Cookbooks: Back by popular demand, the Service Club will be bringing back the three editions of our Service Club Cookbooks!!! The first edition had the tan cover, the second edition had the white cover, and the third edition had the blue cover!!! Cookbooks will be available at our Farmer’s Market Booth as soon as the publisher ships them to us!!

Farmers Market: Please continue to support the Service Club’s Booth at the Farmers Market, held the second Saturday of every month, the next one being June 11, 2022. We always have a variety of homemade breads and sweets, plants, ceramics, hand crafted items, and soon to be “Service Club Cookbooks”, etc. There’s something for everyone, so please stop by!!

Community Service: The Ladies have also been in high demand with community service projects around town: helping the Chamber of Commerce at the Crawfish Festival selling drink tokens; and baking lots and lots of cakes and goodies for funerals, Warriors Weekend, and the Cemetery Association’s Bake Sale and Raffle, which will take place Saturday, May 28, 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. at the Front Beach Pavilion and POC Hardware. Please come out and support this worthy cause!!

Fall Mega Garage Sale: In addition, the Club is already preparing for our “Fall Mega Garage Sale”, and are happy to accept your generous donations of gently used household, decorative, and kitchen items; small appliances in good condition and working order; clothing; shoes; toys; children’s and baby items. For your convenience, we have a “Donation Drop Box” located at the front of our Donation Center, which is the building immediately behind the Community Center Pavilion. As always, we greatly appreciate your continued support so that we can keep doing great things for the POC Community!! (Please note that we cannot accept computers, electronics, mattresses, microwaves, or furniture!!) To donate, please contact one of the following Service Club Members:

Alane Haardt- 291-416-6028
Nancy Ladshaw- 830-832-0510
Marie Hawes- 361-676-3093
Nan Burnett- 832-276-5948

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