Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Jun 22 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Maybe it is just me – but I enjoyed this year’s Warrior’s Weekend more than most of which I have been a part! We had an awesome group of helpers – cooks from Chi Alpha, Huntsville; servers from Houston; egg crackers from all over; and taco rollers mainly from Port O’Connor. We had donations that took care of most all of the expenses. We finished early enough that our workers had time to enjoy visiting with the Warriors and hear them express their appreciation for all the hard work that goes into making an event like this happen. They did not know the names of the “movers and shakers,” but they knew that all the work was centered around them having a memorable time. Thanks to all who helped – whether it was for our Breakfast Taco meal or any of the other many activities. We make Port O’Connor Proud!

The Cross foundation is in the ground and the concrete is poured around it! Now we await the building of the Cross and the extremely important work of putting it up and placing the lights on it. I know some of you wondered if this project would ever happen, but I have been assured that it will be up before school begins this fall. After literally scores of people have worked behind the scenes getting it to this point, and thousands of prayers have been sent Heavenward, the project that some have already payed forward is almost a reality. I trust this community knows that the placing of the cross at the Chapel is something I believe the Lord asked me to do several years ago and something I have worked many hours on to see it happen. Donnie Haynes (Action Welding) has come along side me and helped in many ways, but nothing could have been accomplished without the help of our Lord! When we first began talking about this project, the Corp of Engineers asked if they could put it on the nautical maps. I readily agreed but asked that the following notation be placed on each map – “If you are lost, look to the Cross!” They said they could not accommodate such a request, but we trust this act of obedience will mean a lot to our Fishermen and our Community!

Before this news hits the press, Pastor Joane will have led a group of ladies in an annual Sectional Ladies Retreat. The theme is “Anchored” and the guest speaker is Theresa Hammonds from Angelton. We are expecting about 50 ladies from many different churches, including a group from Houston. There is never a cost for Chapel events, and all are always welcome.

Father’s Day is always a special day at the Chapel. As usual, every dad present will receive a uniquely special gift. Men will be treated with special honor, and it will be a memorable event. We trust that you will bring your dad and be present!

Captain Robert and the Sea Academy is coming back to the Chapel on June 24 and will complete their studies on July 1. Captain Robert has been bringing a Captain’s Class to Port O’Connor several times each year. We started hosting these classes in 2000, and many men and women have benefited from Captain Robert’s teaching.

July is always a very busy month, and we continue with our regular schedule and often add more events. The Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to assist all pilgrims on their way to eternity. We are all headed in that direction, and we all need to be prepared to meet our God! We gather each Lord’s Day at 10:00 a.m. for Bible Study; 11:00 a.m. for Morning Service; and 6:00 p.m. for Evening Service. Again, we meet together, usually with alight meal at 7:00 p.m. each Wednesday evening. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us”!

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