Sometimes you do all you can do and it still is not enough…
Last month I told you how I moved from Tennessee back to Illinois and how different it feels from one place to another.
After the packing dust settled and being a month into this new chapter rather than preparing for it, I’d say my two cats have found the move as life changing as I have, if not more so.
The eldest of the two cats, who is a female named Baby who originally was technically my dad’s cat before he died in 2021 of COVID, has had a better time so far as she was able to go from the seclusion of the bathroom to the freedom of the outside world, where three other cats roam.
Sadly, Leo, my little Tennessee kitten I’ve had around me since August of last year and came to me via no one wanting his sweet little soul, had not been able to do the same himself as he and the one male cat already there refuse to get along.
I’ve tried everything to keep my Leo with me, and paid over three hundred dollars to get him fixed and up to date health wise on the same premise, but my health is off and I’m struggling and couch surfing, it’s somewhat beyond my control.
It’s so sad to me, that little guy was the only thing that kept me going through a hard time and was the only thing in the house I left behind actually showing me love, respect, and attention; he is my best friend and a great cat, as I tell people about Leo: “He knows his name and he plays fetch and everything.”
And yes he does folks, that little white and black bundle of purring fur will play fetch like a dog…he’s special in the first place and he’s also special to me, and I may have to say goodbye.
Others notice his disposition too and say he is a really good cat themselves.
It hurts and hurts badly, and as cats and most pets understand very little English, I cannot explain to him that his ‘daddy’ loves him very much, that he is a really good boy and did nothing wrong.
I cannot tell him that since he was a little kitten he amused me with his little ‘ooo-ooo’ sounds and his acrobatics, that once the human being I thought was my friend became abusive, he and my other cat were my only solace at times, the only ones who made sense in all of the drama and chaos.
He would sleep right by me, woke up when I did, used to follow me from room to room and always (both cats really) made sure I was within his sight…when I’d go out to run errands he would sit on the window by the sink and would remain there until I got back.
I still hope and pray for a solution for Leo to stay with me, and I’ll make sure to assure his happiness and safety, but if I have to give him up I will miss my little buddy like mad, my Leo Solo-Mio, my friend for life, even if I end up never seeing him again.
Good boy Leo, daddy loves you and will love you till I’m dead and gone…damn good cat.
