Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Jun 22 - 0 Comments

Concerning the Boat Ramp

On any given day a local fishing lodge will have 10 or more cars parked on the ramp property which I assume are clients out on fishing trips. Add to this another 8 or more trucks with trailers parked there as well which belong to the fishing guides hired by the lodge. (I know this is fact because I was told so by the lodge’s owner.) Then, when the guide boats return, the lodge has a specialy equipped 12 Ft fish cleaning trailer that is brought to the ramp area to clean the catches and dispose of the remains into the Bay. How convenient!

Fish carcasses are left in the basin and remain there as there is no current to wash them out into the bay. Now we have a 6 ft alligator that has taken up residency in the basin to feed off the fish carcasses causing a hazard for the public.

Maybe Bill Sanders Park should be renamed after this lodge!

I’m sure our county commissioner is very aware of these happenings. Favoritism? A blind eye in return for favors? Who knows. Are we paying the bills for all the niceties and bathrooms that are being built, maintained, and provided by the county at Swan Point for the enjoyment and aesthetics of this particular lodge by our never ending escalations in our property tax assessments?

More parking area is currently under construction as are more picnic table shelters. The four shelters already built are hardly ever used. Four portable restrooms have been installed and the rental and service contract on these are being picked up by the taxpayers (who else?).

Hmmm….makes you wonder.

Maybe that lodge should park their clients’ cars on its own property, along with their guides’ vehicles and trailers, clean up their own fish scraps, and our elected officials put a stop to it. I guarantee anyone else setting up shop on public property would be shut down immediately.

Name Withheld

Letters to the Dolphin/P.O. Box 777/Port O’Connor, TX 77982

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