Lacey Vasquez
Seadrift Chamber President
When you think of the Seadrift Chamber of Commerce what comes to mind?…
Shrimpfest, Market Days, the Seadrift Sports Plex, or maybe all of the above?
Perhaps you’ve seen the new “Welcome” sign on Hwy 185 that the Chamber has put up or heard about the scholarships they have given away? Maybe you even took part in one of their holiday events of the year?
Let’s just say the Seadrift Chamber of Commerce enjoys being part of the “heartbeat” of Seadrift in providing activities for families to enjoy.
So, who’s behind all this joy that is brought to the Seadrift Community? Currently, Lacey Vasquez is the 2022 Chamber President. She, along with her fantastic team, do what they do for the community! Lacey says this about her team, “The Team is what makes dreams a reality.”
Speaking of dreams, Lacey has big dreams about Seadrift. There are two big dreams on Lacey’s heart: a sports complex that would include a soccer field, basketball court, and playground equipment. Another dream is a new community center for Seadrift that would include a fully equipped kitchen and an outdoor area.
What motivates Lacey and her team to dream dreams for Seadrift? Lacey put it well when she said, “I want to be the Change that I want to see.”
-Tanya DeForest
More info on the recent Shrimpfest in the July issue.