Mobility Mat on the Port O’Connor Beach
How can it already be August? The kids are back in school, the days are getting shorter, and the heat is typical. Halloween will be here before we know it and then Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Recently the Chamber partnered with the local Parks and Wildlife Game Wardens to provide an appreciation for the kids wearing their life jackets, while boating. Thank you to 5D Steakhouse and Speedy Stop for providing nice rewards for the kids enduring the heat and obeying the law and keeping on that life jacket!! These “encouraging” tickets will be issued until September 11th.
Due to the outpouring of positive responses, we received regarding the mobility mats at the front beach we have purchased two additional mats. The new mats extend the trail and will now take you closer to the water. We are so proud that our beach allows access to those in wheelchairs or on walkers. Thank you so much to our board members, Darla Parker, Brent Hart, Sue Glover, and Mike Overton for helping install the new mats. A huge thank you to our volunteers who worked tirelessly in making sure the mats were pounded down perfectly, Jerry Crosby, Terry Schneider, and Steven Guvera!!! We couldn’t have done it without you!!
We continue to work with the Port O’ Connor Service Club on the fundraising efforts for our Community Center and encourage everyone to attend the kickoff event with Taco Thursday on August 25th from 6:00 to 8:00 at the Community Center. This facility is so important to our community, and we need to ensure that we continue to make necessary and timely renovations.
Here are a few things we are currently working on for the remainder of the year: Our Trunk or Treat event will be held Saturday, October 29th and includes a dog costume contest again this year. The Poker Run will be held the Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 26th. The annual Boat Parade and Toy Run will be Saturday, December 3, and our Chamber Annual meeting will be held December 3rd.
We welcome our new and renewing members for this month: POCTX, Texas Salty Sisters, Design Works, POC 475 and Dorothy Barnett. Business memberships have been discounted to $50 through the end of the year.
Our meetings are the second Monday of the month at 6:30 p,m, at the Port O’Connor Library Multipurpose room. We welcome everyone to come out and get involved.
Remember to visit the chamber calendar to stay up to date on all the local events.