The hard working Ladies of the Port O’ Connor Service Club are ecstatic to announce the long anticipated arrival and installation of their latest gift to the POC Community- the new “Community Center Sign”!!! Hooray!!! The Club has been working on this replacement project since the old sign was destroyed by Hurricane Nicholas in September 2021, and were able to purchase the new sign through the generous donations and support of the POC Community at our many fundraising events!! We would like to acknowledge our Treasurer, Nan Burnett, who has worked tirelessly with Sign Works of Victoria to bring this project to fruition!! The Service Club is happy to give this wonderful part of POC back to the Community!!!
Happy Anniversary to the Port O’ Connor Community Service Club: The POC Community Service Club was established on August 21, 1980, and is celebrating its 42nd Anniversary this month! The Club has been blessed to have countless wonderful POC Ladies in their midst throughout those 42 years, and currently has forty-eight members. Happy Anniversary to this iconic POC organization and all the ladies, past and present, who have helped make it what it is today!!
Community Center Sign and American Flags: If you’ve travelled in or out of POC on Hwy185 over the past month, you’ve more than likely noticed that POC’s beautiful, lighted “Community Center Sign” is back, bigger and better than ever- notifying everyone about events going on at the Center. You’ve also probably noticed the beautiful display of American Flags adorning the front of the Community Center on patriotic holidays, and the flags on the permanent flag poles at Front Beach and the Community Center. If you like the sign and the flags, you can thank the ladies of the POC Community Service Club. Because the Club’s goal for 42 years has been to give back to the POC Community through our many service and improvement projects, we are extremely happy to give the “Community Center Sign” and the flags to the citizens of Port O’ Connor! In return, the Club thanks you, the wonderful people of POC, for your continued support, and generous donations at our many fund-raising events, which allow us to keep doing great things for the POC Community. It is definitely a winning partnership for all of us in our beautiful little POC Paradise!
Teacher Appreciation: To show our support and appreciation of our wonderful Teachers of Port O’ Connor Elementary, the Club gives each one a gift of $50.00 for start up supplies at the beginning of each school year. Thank you, Teachers, for your dedication and service to the children of POC! We wish you all the best in the 2022-2023 School Year.
Taco Thursday: The Service Club will be supporting the Community Center Board of Directors as they kick-off their campaign for the Port O’Connor Community Center Beautification Project. The event will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 25, 2022, at the POC Community Center. Tacos and all the trimmings will be served as the Board explains the different phases of the “Community Center Beautification Project” to the POC Community, and what the POC Community will need to do in order to raise the money to get the project accomplished. The meal is free, and all in Port O’Connor are invited and encouraged to attend!
Meetings: The Service Club’s next meetings are September 1, 2022, and September 15, 2022; at 10:00 a.m. at the POC Community Center. If you are interested in joining this hardworking, fun-loving group, please feel free to contact one of the ladies listed at the end of this article, or visit one of our meetings and check us out. All Ladies are welcome!
Cookbooks: Back by popular demand, the Service Club is now selling all three editions of our famous Cookbooks, available at our booth at each Farmer’s Market. The cookbooks are $12.00 each, or sets of three editions for $30.00. They make great gifts for all occasions, and are selling like hot cakes. Get yours before we sell out!
Farmers Market: Please continue to support the Service Club’s Booth at the Farmers Market, held the second Saturday of every month, next one being Saturday, September 10 , 2022! We have a variety of homemade breads and sweets, plants, hand crafted items, and, of course, our “Service Club Cookbooks”. There is something for everyone, so please stop by!
Clay Shoot: Come One, Come All!!! The POC Service Club is proud to announce that it will be hosting POC’s First Ever “Clay Shoot” at 8:00 AM on Saturday, October 8, 2022 on the grounds of the POC Community Center Pavilion!! All “Sporting Clay Shoot” enthusiasts, and spectators who love watching them, are invited to attend this inaugural event!! All proceeds will go to the “Port O’Connor Community Center Beautification Project.” You don’t want to miss it!
Fall Mega Garage Sale: The Club is busily preparing for our Fall Mega Garage Sale, which is set for Saturday, November 5, 2022. Please mark your calendars, and “Save The Date”! We continue to accept your generous donations of gently used household, decorative and kitchen items; small appliances (in good condition and working order); clothing; shoes; toys; children’s and baby items. For your convenience, we have a “Donation Drop Box” located at the front of our Donation Center, which is the building immediately behind the Community Center Pavilion. As always, we appreciate your continued support so that we can keep doing great things for the POC Community. (Please note that we cannot accept computers, electronics, mattresses, microwaves, or furniture.) To donate, please contact one of the following Service Club Members:
Alane Haardt- 281-416-6028
Nancy Ladshaw- 830-832-0510
Marie Hawes- 361-676-3093
Nan Burnett- 832-276-5948