The book club’s September hostesses Nancy Ladshaw, Mary Ann Claiborne, and Darla Miles (not pictured is Brenda Berger) show off their copies of To Kill A Mockingbird.
The ladies who attended September’s “Hooked On Books” Book Club meeting were treated to a fun and informative interactive multimedia presentation of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. Hostesses Brenda Berger, Darla Miles, Mary Ann Claiborne, and Nancy Ladshaw took the ladies back in time to 1932, during the Great Depression, to the sultry Southern town of Maycomb, Alabama on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022 in the Multipurpose Room of the POC Library. The ladies were encouraged to wear overalls, or other 1930’s attire, hats, gloves, and pearl necklaces (all of which were a thread throughout the book); and they did not disappoint!
The ladies were treated to a “Genteel Southern Afternoon,” and a magnificent spread of period refreshments- lemonade, fruit, chicken salad sandwiches, chips, cracklin’ bread, angel food cake dripping with strawberries, chocolate covered pecans, and lemon drops! The multimedia presentation included photographs, excerpts from the book, and information from Monroeville, Alabama (Harper Lee’s hometown).
The hostesses also displayed a collection of artifacts and decorations (all of which were topics from the book) including: soap dolls, twine, Double-Mint gum, and shiny pennies; an autographed novel by Mary Badham (the actress who played Scout Finch in the 1962 movie classic of “To Kill A Mockingbird”); and a Monroeville telephone book full of Lees, Cunninghams, and Ewells (all of which were characters in the book).
After the presentation and refreshments, the group engaged in a lively discussion of the book’s timeless characters and the eternal “Life Lessons” learned from this wonderful book. All in attendance agreed that it was an interesting, engaging, enlightening, and fun-filled afternoon, and thanked their wonderful hostesses for the ingenuity, expert planning, and hard work put into making it all happen. It was definitely an afternoon to remember!
The Club’s next meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. on October 11, 2022, and our October book is The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff.
If you are interested in joining “Hooks On Books”, please email your information to alanehaardt@yahoo.com. All are welcome!