Learning is Fun at Port O’Connor School!

Archived in the category: General Info, School News
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Sep 22 - 0 Comments
Port O’Connor Kindergarten class were practicing the Nursery Rhyme “Jack Be Nimble” while acting it out. Pictured in action-Andi Murray, Drew Minkner, and Brody Tubbs. -Monica Peter

Port O’Connor Kindergarten class were practicing the Nursery Rhyme “Jack Be Nimble” while acting it out. Pictured in action-Andi Murray, Drew Minkner, and Brody Tubbs. -Monica Peter

In 3rd and 4th grade science, we learned the difference between a solution and mixture. We mixed Chex Mix, M&Ms, and Smarties together. In the mixture, We were able to pick out the candy and put them in different containers; however, when we made our Kool-aide solution, we could not take the sugar out and put it in a separate container! We learned that items in a mixture will generally just mix and are not completely dissolved or changed. In a solution, substances completely dissolve and cannot be filtered out. Science can sometimes taste great! -Sheryl Haynes, Port O’Connor School

In 3rd and 4th grade science, we learned the difference between a solution and mixture. We mixed Chex Mix, M&Ms, and Smarties together. In the mixture, We were able to pick out the candy and put them in different containers; however, when we made our Kool-aide solution, we could not take the sugar out and put it in a separate container! We learned that items in a mixture will generally just mix and are not completely dissolved or changed. In a solution, substances completely dissolve and cannot be filtered out. Science can sometimes taste great! -Sheryl Haynes, Port O’Connor School

When learning about what a scientist uses and wears, Ms. Peters’ Kindergarten POC class got to dress like a scientist. Pictured left to right front row-Kayden Cardenas, Alessia Smith, Penelope Gonzales. Back row-Vivian Kipp, Ashlynn Austin, and Brooklyn Vossler.

When learning about what a scientist uses and wears, Ms. Peters’ Kindergarten POC class got to dress like a scientist. Pictured left to right front row-Kayden Cardenas, Alessia Smith, Penelope Gonzales. Back row-Vivian Kipp, Ashlynn Austin, and Brooklyn Vossler.

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