Methodist Church after 1942 Hurricane
The year was 1942. The hurricane that came hit Seadrift with a category three wind velocity that leveled the Methodist Church. Having been in existence for over 100 years, the church has survived in spite of its challenges. Up from the ruins from that ’42 storm a new church building was built followed by the current one that was built in 1983. Just as America still stands today because of the dedication of freedom-loving people, the American churches are still with us because of the “Can Do” spirit of its parishioners.
Closing their doors during COVID was Seadrift Methodist’s most recent hurdle. In ‘42 it was the storm. In 1923 it was the need for a pastor.
Today the Seadrift Methodist Church congregation is served by Pastor Ron Shott with his wife Kathleen.
Located at the church the “Feed My Sheep” ministry provides food to those in need on the third Tuesday of each month. This is a coordinated effort of members and nonmembers alike. The local Scouts chip in as well as the community youth. Food collected from the Scout’s annual food drive is donated to the program.
Members of the Seadrift community meet at the church to rehearse for the Seadrift Community Choir which performs at different local churches and nursing facilities during the Christmas season.
The church has taken a leading role in organizing and participating in “Bay Praise” which is a non-denominational service held the last Saturday of each month during the spring and summer months at the Bayfront Pavilion.
In August the church sponsors an annual school drive for local children. In addition they send donations to areas impacted by disasters as the supplies are available. VBS is held in conjunction with the local Baptist church each summer.
The church offers the “Road to Emmaus” Christ-centered program to the public and there is a prison ministry in which the men volunteer. Cookies provided by the ladies is an added bonus!
Jesus made a profound statement about serving others. In Matthew 25:40 He said in serving others you are in reality serving Him!

First United Methodist Church
of Seadrift
Author’s Note:
As a kid growing up in Seadrift I remember going into the Methodist church that was rebuilt after the ’42 Storm. My family home was just two houses down from the church. I would go in alone (the doors were unlocked) and gaze at the beauty of its sanctuary. It was a place to meet God!
Servant Extraordinaire – Patricia Massey
By Tanya DeForest
Patricia Massey, born and raised in the Seadrift area, enjoys serving! She heads up the Seadrift Methodist church’s “Feed My Sheep” food program and enjoys every minute of it! Her job involves purchasing food items, applying for grants, and overseeing its operation. Patricia has been doing this for ten years.
It seems that Patricia has always been surrounded by opportunities to serve. Before leaving home she was involved in Scouts, 4-H, and church activities. College earned her a degree in Therapeutic Recreation with a minor in Music Therapy. Her career led her to be employed by the Extension Service, Gulf Bend, Martin Luther Homes which provides group homes, and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice overseeing medical claims.
Upon retirement in 2013 Patricia came back to the Seadrift area to care for her mom and wanted to serve at her local church where she led a Sunday School class called the Women of Faith. Patricia, also, takes part in the many activities of the Seadrift Methodist church. She, also, serves on the Calhoun County Community Ministries board to represent the needs of the Seadrift community.
Patricia has two sons, Heath and Byron, who gave her four grandsons and one granddaughter!
Patricia says, “I feel fortunate to have returned to this community and be surrounded by family and friends. It is a place where you can call on your neighbor when you need help or an understanding ear. It is the best kept secret on the coast.”
Updates – First United Methodist Church of Seadrift:
The final Bay Praise Community Worship Gathering of the season will be on Saturday, September 24 at 6 pm at the Seadrift Bayfront Pavilion. We will begin again in March, 2023.
Coastal Bend District Women in Faith Annual Meeting – September 17th in Corpus Christi.
Feed My Sheep distribution – Tuesday, September 20th.