Chamber Chat by Sue Glover

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Oct 22 - Comments Off on Chamber Chat by Sue Glover

As much as we hate to see an iconic restaurant like Cathy’s close, we wish only the best for Cathy and her staff. We thank you for the years of support you have shown the Chamber and our community. You will be truly missed!

Our Trunk or Treat event will be held Saturday October 29th on Park Street at the Kingfisher beach. We will have a dog costume contest again this year. So, dress up the kids and the hounds and plan on a fun safe event.

The Second Annual Poker Run will be held Saturday November 26th, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Registration and your first card will be available at Josie’s Cantina starting at 10. Each hand will be $25.00 and you will draw additional cards at stops in Port O’ Connor. You can participate with any means of transportation, golf cart, bicycle, car, etc.

The Annual Toy Run and Lighted Boat Parade will be Saturday, December 3. Boats will arrive at Clark’s in the early afternoon loaded with hundreds of toys for the kids in Port O’ Connor and surrounding areas. The boat parade will start a little after dark and will light up the ICW. If you are interested in participating in the parade, please go to the chamber website and look under events.

The Board of Directors has made the decision not to host the annual Christmas Party and instead focus our efforts on the Casino Membership Appreciation event which will be held February 24th. We will have our annual Chamber business meeting on December 12th.

Our meetings are the second Monday of the month at 6:30 at the Port O’Connor Library Multipurpose room. We welcome everyone to come out and get involved.

Remember to visit the chamber calendar to stay up to date on all the local events.

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