Port O’Connor Community Garden Club

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Oct 22 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Community Garden Club

The Mission of the POC Community Garden Club is to establish  garden plots and other zones such as orchards, chicken coops, or bee keeping areas for local residents and community members to garden and participate in food production. The primary objectives of the Club are to advance the knowledge, science, and practice of gardening in the Port O’Connor area. The POC Community Garden Club is making progress on both the garden site and club activities. Here’s an update on both:

We cannot say thank you enough to the folks at Lester Contracting! Buddy Janca did one heck of a job clearing the four acres for the garden. Lester Contracting provided the equipment and manpower to get this job done in less than a week, and now we are preparing to construct the raised beds for phase 1 of the Garden. Feel free to check it out – the Garden is located at the corner of 16th and Harrison. Please contact Cindy Hanson, POCCGC President, (cindyfriemel@yahoo.com) if you are interested in securing a garden plot.

Our Club activities are under way as well. The Club has scheduled monthly educational meetings to assist all community members interested in gardening. The monthly programs focus on a variety of topics including natural fertilizers, pest control and weed prevention strategies, canning and food preservation, comparison planting, and appropriate plants and timelines for Zone 9B. Whether you have a garden plot at home or at the community garden, you are welcome to join the club (just $20) and learn about gardening. The first Club meeting was held on October 18th and focused on how to build a raised bed. The next meeting is November 15th at 6:00 p.m. at the Library Multipurpose Room and the topic will be “Garden Resources and Planting Guides”.

Be on the lookout for our fund raising efforts. We have several activities planned!

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