Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Nov 22 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin


I would just like to say I am so blessed to have so many people in my life that care so much with all the prayers, for sure; all the people that did everything to support me in the benefit.

I am so blessed by everyone who baked and cooked, checked on my mom, took her food. I couldn’t have asked for such good people. Everyone who donated something, your time, your effort. I so thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you,
Sandy Turk Taylo

Where is God in today’s world?

The problem with life in today’s world is God has been taken out and thrown to the side. All the problems in our school systems, school boards, there is no prayer. Football games, there is no standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. All churches memberships are down all over America. The children raised by a single parent and do not know where their parents are. The breakdown of the relationship with God is not there. God is not there in America today. Look at all the problems we have today. God has been taken away.

I know God heals. He has healed me of cancer, went to our local hospital with heart attack. Oh, no, Mr. Cain, you have had a reaction to oriental seasoning, but we found a tumor on your right kidney. Spent next 2 1/2 months going back and forth to MD Anderson, that was 41/4 years ago.

Put God back in our government, local and national. This is why God is upset. Look at our world we have nowadays. Insures we are destroying our villages. We say Elvis has left the building; well God has left us. Look at all the problems we live in. God is upset. Look at what is happening.

If you have God in your life, things start happening. God does not care what party you are affiliated with. America needs to bring more God back in our lives, churches, school system, and college. Where is God now and look at all the issues we have today, America. Put God back in our lives. Our issues started when we removed prayer from the classroom. God does not like what is happening. God is there for all of us. Knock, the door will be opened unto all of us. We are father away from God and he does not like it.

God wants us to follow His commandments. Life in eternal, is forever. Follow Him and you will be rewarded.

Russell, Cain, concerned citizen

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