Home > November, 2022
CHS Class Reunion
Condolences – Ralph Edward Miller
Ralph E. Miller, 77, a retired blacksmith from a forgings company, passed away peacefully in his home with his family by his side on Thursday, October 27, 2022 in Seadrift, Texas. He was born March 5, 1945 to parents Virgil C. Miller and Edith N. Whittle in El Reno, Oklahoma. He was preceded in death […]
Port O’ Connor Community Service Club by Alane Haardt
Fall Mega Garage Sale: The Service Club’s “Fall Mega Garage Sale and Bake Sale” was held on November 5, 2022, and was a tremendous success! We would like to thank all the fabulous people of Port O’Connor who helped make it our best one ever – all who donated items for us to sell; all […]
Thriving! by Tanya DeForest
Seadrift Community Church is thriving! Pastor Mart Maxwell and his wife Mary Ann agree that in 2022 the church has seen substantial growth. The church started with a group of people who wanted to see God move in the community as well as in their own lives. This all happened in 2018. Their first pastor […]
Senior Spotlight…by Tanya DeForest
Transforming Faith Seadrift residents, David and Terry Nixon, each have discovered how faith can transform their lives! They are members of the Seadrift Community Church and were excited to share with me their own stories. We’ll start with David who serves as an assistant to Pastor Mart Maxwell who leads the Seadrift Community Church along […]