Bucking Santa” Best Overall in the Boat Parade
Wow, we can’t believe the end of the year is already upon us. So much has happened in 2022, and we look forward to an even better 2023! We want to thank all the participants who joined us for the 2022 Poker Run. We had 31 participants this year. Congratulations to Bland Proctor, who won the highest winning hand with a full house. The lowest winning hand went to Brad Schielack with a pair of twos. Our 50/50 pot was awarded to Cindy Hanson. Next year’s event we will be adding some mystery stops for those poker cards!
The Freeport to Port O’Connor Toy Run was held Saturday, December 3rd. Lots of wonderful toys were brought in for the Angel Tree Program, ensuring children along the Gulf coast will have a wonderful Christmas. This was the 20th year for the Toy Run, traveling 72 miles down the ICW from Freeport to Port O’Connor. Thank you to directors Jason and Wendy Fry, along with their crew, for all the hard work throughout the year in gathering and raising donations for all the toys.
After the presents were unloaded and the sun went down, the boats lined up for the annual Christmas Lighted Boat Parade. Twenty-one boats decorated with lights, Santa and other Christmas décor made their way down the ICW. We really appreciate Charlie and Susan Upshaw for volunteering their home to host the judges for this event. Awards were given to the following: Best Overall – Bucking Santa, Most Spirited – Yellow Fin Yoda, Most Unique – Wolf, Best Commercial – Pilot Boat, Best Large Pleasure – Tails Up, Best Medium Pleasure – Pay Cheque, Best Small Pleasure – Mark Daigle, Distinguished Service Award – Coast Guard.
January will begin our membership drive for the Port O’Connor Chamber. We encourage not only businesses to join, but individual or couple memberships as well. Feel free to go online now and join or renew at https://business.portoconnorchamber.com/member/newmemberapp. We welcome all who want to volunteer and get involved in promoting businesses, enhancing the economy and community development, and serving as a means for improving the overall quality of life in the community of Port O’Connor. Memberships are $100 for a business and $35 for an individual or couple.
Thank you to our new members Charles and Susan Upshaw.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming events in 2023! February 24th will be our Member Appreciation Casino Night for all our Chamber members. April 29th will be the Crawfish Festival, and applications for sponsors, teams and vendors will go out at the end of the year, or early January. The Memorial Day Kids Fishing Tournament and Kite Flying Contest will be May 27th. July 4th Fireworks will be on Saturday, July1st and the Parade will be July 4th. New this year, will be the POC Boating & Fishing Expo on October 6-8th. We will provide more information in the coming months. Trunk or Treat will be October 28th, followed by the Poker Run on November 25th. December’s events will include the Toy Run and Lighted Boat Parade on December 2nd and the Christmas Lighted House contest on December 13th and 14th.
We at the Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the Holiday Season bring only happiness and joy to you and your family. Wishing everyone peace, health, happiness, and prosperity in the coming New Year.