Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Dec 22 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Having understood the gratitude of Thanksgiving, we are now ready to experience the JOY OF CHRISTMAS! I have contended for years that the only way any of us will enjoy the JOY OF CHRISTMAS is to humble ourselves before a Generous God, who has graced us with far too many blessings for us to speak! I am so appreciative of the Psalmist who taught us “Not to forget all His benefits”! I can never name them all, but I must not forget them all!

We were honored to be able to help “officially” 23 families with Thanksgiving Baskets this year. We helped several more from our regular pantry, but we were honored to provide much needed food for people from our community. We have gathered names for the Christmas Food Baskets to be delivered on December 13. You have made this possible! We ordered from the same list this Thanksgiving as in 2021, and the cost was almost $1,400 more! We are grateful that the Ladies Community Service Club continued to support this cause, the Community Thanksgiving Service provided much needed funds, and generous individuals have sent monies to help meet this need. Honestly, after last year’s basket distribution, we approached several friends who helped us have a head start in our fund raising. I know that Port O’Connor people are the best people in America, and you continued making the difference! I will give a more detailed financial report in the next issue of our Dolphin Talk – BUT THANKS!

We greatly appreciated the opportunity of attending the Service Club’s Christmas Party. It was as good a meal as anyone could remember! The singers were excellent and enthusiastic! The fellowship was exciting and warm. Only those who live in POC understand the level of excellence we know will happen at our Community Gatherings! Thanks again, Ladies for our exceptional service!

We learned on Sunday, December 4 that Joe and Anna Nuncio are moving with their three sons to Houston. They have become a part of our family and we feel a large part of our hearts is being torn away. We have promised to pray for them and ask God’s special favor on them. They will be greatly missed at the Chapel!

Special Christmas activities are scheduled for this month. On Sunday, December 18, we gather at 10:00 a.m. for Bible Study; 11:00 a.m. for Morning Service; and at 6:00 p.m. we will have a huge Christmas Party. There will be our traditional “white elephant” gift exchange, the singing of Christmas Carols, and much eating! It is always a highlight of our Chapel calendar, and everyone is invited to attend this special event.

On Wednesday, December 21, we will be gathering outside (weather permitting) to have a pit fire glowing and opportunity to roast one’s own meal. Again, there will be great fellowship and singing of Christmas Carols. I can hardly wait to hear our Dolphin Talk editor sing “Silent Night”! Come and bring friends with you!

Knowing that God, our Creator, put a family together before He built the church, we are planning special events on Christmas Day. We will not be having our 10:00 a.m. Bible Study, thereby allowing families to enjoy their time around the Christmas Tree. And we will not gather for the 6:00 p.m. Evening Service, again to allow for extra Family Time. We will be coming together at 11:00 a.m. for a special Christmas Service. We ask that each one come with an extra grace to express on Jesus’ Birthday!

On December 27, I will be transporting Pastor Joane to Houston for her long-awaited trip to Israel. The chapel gifted Pastor Joane this trip several years ago, but the pandemic stopped her from making the trip. Now, she is off and going to be in the Holy Land returning on January 6. I am thrilled that she gets to make her second “trip of a lifetime”, and she will be enjoying the company of many friends and special tour hosts, Pastors Don and Susan Nordin. I know she will have many stories and lots of pictures to share when she returns. Please keep her and the entire team in prayer for safety in travel and in country. We will greatly miss her, but are overjoyed that she is going. Thanks, Chapel family, for your love and generosity!

The Chapel came into being in February, 1995, and has been an interdenominational congregation for this community. We have seen our Lord accomplish much and have seen people grow in Christ and seen some move away. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel for Sunday 10:00 a.m. Bible Study; the 11:00 a.m. Morning Service; and the 6:00 p.m. Evening Service. Wednesday evenings are dedicated to having a simple meal at 7:00 p.m. and a time of ministry from the Word following. All are urged to, “Come, grown with us”!

One more word: How would we react if it was our Birthday, and we gave all the gifts to other people? This year, why not include a special gift for Jesus in your celebrations?

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