Facelift Update by Diane Cooley

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Dec 22 - Comments Off on Facelift Update by Diane Cooley

Things are continuing to happen for the POC Community Center Facelift Project. Saturday, December 10, Josie’s Mexican Restaurant hosted a Turkey Cookoff benefiting the center. It had been rescheduled from November because of bad weather. This time the weather was beautiful and it was a perfect day for a fundraiser .Several teams competed in a variety of categories, including fried turkey, ribs, chef’s choice and more. All the judges had their work cut out for them trying to pick a winner for each. The winners are pictured elsewhere in the paper.

Besides the cookoff, items were donated for a silent auction. Everyone was very generous in their support of the project and the amount raised was certainly a welcome addition to the money already raised. All of this couldn’t have been accomplished without the generosity of Josie’s Mexican Restaurant and the help of the wonderful ladies (and their husbands) from the POC Community Service Club. Everyone worked tirelessly for hours to make this day so successful. A big “Thank You” to all who participated in any way.

Our next event for the project will be a Chili Cookoff on January 14, 2023. This will also be held at Josie’s Mexican Restaurant. The categories will be chili, gumbo and beans. If you are interested in competing, contact Terry Williams at 512-738-2273, or Jim Hooper at 361-935-1150 or hooper@pdq.net. First National Bank in Port O’Connor continues to collect donations for the community center and are also selling raffle tickets for the patriotic bench built and donated by Jim Cooley .The drawing for the bench will be held in May at a fundraiser benefiting the center.

The center is used several times a month all throughout the year. Local groups such as Senior Citizens, Bunco Ladies, Chamber of Commerce, Service Club, children’s groups, etc, are able to use the center for free. Funerals, memorials, weddings, and other similar functions are also held at the center free of charge. It was built through the efforts of many townspeople for the people of POC. Paying groups include fishing tournaments, business meetings, cookoffs, etc. These events bring revenue to merchants, motels, guides and restaurants. The complex is a great asset for our small town. Please consider giving to this worthy cause to preserve the complex for the generations to come. Thank you.

May this Holiday Season be filled with peace and joy for you and yours.

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