Over 150 wonderful people boated to POC on Saturday, December 3 to deliver toys and celebrate “POC’s Annual Toy Run”. Local volunteers filled three box trailers with toys and one flatbed trailer full of bikes, and then set them up at the Community Center Pavilion on Sunday morning to distribute them.
The tremendous generosity of all involved not only benefits our own POC “Christmas Angels”, but also thirteen organizations from around our area who will provide over 2,000 children with gifts and toys on Christmas morning!
We send a huge, heartfelt “Thank You” to all volunteers who helped with this fabulous endeavor in any way…all who collected and boated the toys to POC, all who provided meals for them, all who helped load, unload, and distribute the toys; and all involved with bringing Christmas joy to so many children in need!
We wish all of you a very blessed and Merry Christmas!

One trailer filled with toys