Seadrift’s First National Bank Hosts Carolers

Archived in the category: Events, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Dec 22 - Comments Off on Seadrift’s First National Bank Hosts Carolers

Hosting the Seadrift School this Christmas are pictured (left to right) Debbie Finster, Cathy Epley, and Mariela Torres. Debbie and Mariela are the bank tellers. Cathy is the bank manager. Also pictured is the Seadrift School’s third grade class. Chris Dunn is their teacher.

Separate classes from the Seadrift School came to the bank to sing Christmas songs for audiences of parents, teachers, and well-wishers.

It has been a long-standing tradition for the bank in Seadrift to host the school at Christmas time. Cathy Epley says as long as she’s been working at the bank, starting in the 90’s, they’ve been hosting the children at Christmas.

Cathy had this to say about hosting the students, “These little kids are so precious. The parents love coming up here. The ladies at the bank look forward to seeing all the kids and hearing them sing their Christmas songs. We hope they enjoy it as much as we enjoy hosting them.”

The students were given after their program Christmas bags filled with cookies, candies, pencils, erasers, and a drink… compliments of the gracious ladies at Seadrift’s First National Bank!
-Tanya DeForest

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