Starting a New Year

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 22 Jan 23 - Comments Off on Starting a New Year
Seadrift City Council

Seadrift City Council

The City of Seadrift started the new year with their monthly city council meeting on January 5, 2023. The first item on the city’s agenda was a prayer by Becky Gray followed by the pledges to the American and Texas flags. Other items on the agenda included grants, projects, and substandard structures.

The Seadrift Mayor, Elmer DeForest, is highly optimistic about 2023. This is what he had to say about the new year, “Some long awaited projects are beginning to move along. The seawall is being bid out in January and February. The harbor project is nearing being bid out. The city has been awarded an additional $2.8 million in mitigation funds for water works and sewer improvements. The new wastewater treatment plant will be bid out this spring. The city was just awarded a $300,000 CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) to upgrade the sewer lines on the southwest side of the city.”

=Tanya DeForest

A New Year’s Prayer

Read by Seadrift resident Becky Gray at the January Seadrift City Council meeting

Heavenly Father, we are blessed to gather peacefully tonight for the betterment of our community. As this new year begins, we are thankful for the council members, mayor, city and county workers, and first responders who listen and work together to improve the lives and conditions in our town. We know there will be challenges and struggles throughout the year. There will be failures, weakness, and neediness, but we pray tonight, that during these times when tough decisions are needed to be made, all your servants will call on your name for help and guidance. Dear God, help our community to listen to Your voice, grow from any failures, and not be quick to judge. Let us remember that all things are possible with God. Lastly, we pray for an abundance of good times this year and for safety from all that Mother Nature sends our way. We pray for these things, Lord. Amen.

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