When asked to attend and report on the First Baptist Church’s 26th Sweethearts Banquet, I agreed with a very simple goal in mind: to gather facts from the event and report those facts, giving this publication’s readers a glimpse into the evening.
Here are the facts…
At 6:00 p,m, Thursday, February 9, 2023 the First Baptist Church, Port O’Connor presented Sweetheart Banquet #26 at the Port O’Connor Community Center. Team Kids, First Baptist Church’s youth group, served approximately 60 “Sweethearts” a tasty meal of brisket, sausage, beans, coleslaw, cheesy mashed potatoes, and dessert, with coffee, tea, or water to drink.
After the lovely meal, Event Organizers recognized Couples Married 50+ Years, the longest-married being Red and Nancy Childers, married 66 years. Recognized as the most recently wed were Forrest and Michelle Marlin, marked 14 years married last December.
Diane Cooley was named Citizen of the Year and immediately after, her husband Jim, joined her as did Bill Moore Surprise! Not one, but three, outstanding members of our community now share the deserving title of Citizen of the Year. Diane and Jim Cooley both received recognition for doing so much to support the POC First Baptist Curch and the POC community, in general, and Bill Moore, a long-time POC resident and FBC Choir member, who unwaveringly supports and serves his church and the POC community in myriad ways, including serving as the Team Kids bus/van driver and his role as church trustee.
As in years past, Dorothy Ruehman entertained event goers with a song before leading them in choruses of “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” and “Daisy, Daisy” to close out the evening.
Have these facts given you a glimpse into the evening? Maybe, partially. But the facts alone can not convey the event’s atmosphere of kinship and unity. The facts alone do not hint at what’s required to put on an event such as this or the dedication of all involved in every stage, from planning to implementation to clean-up.
From the time I walked in the door and was greeted with a hug (It was lovely meeting you, Ms. Evelyn Kitchens) until the time I left with a “to-go” container full of a variety of cake slices – shared, I promise – I was reminded of something I had not adequately appreciated until recent years. We are a community blessed with more than our fair share of “Sweethearts” who care about our community and unselfishly give of themselves to serve others.
I’d like to personally thank First Baptist Church for recognizing those who go above and beyond and for hosting an event where we have the opportunity to do the same.
Congratulations to Diane, Jim, and Bill on receiving this year’s honor and thank you for all that you do;
Happy Early Anniversary (February 20) Red and Nancy Childers. We could all take lessons in commitment and compromise from you both;
Congratulations to our “newlyweds”, Forrest and Michelle Marlin and warm wishes for many many more happy years together; and
To all the other “Sweethearts” of our beautiful community, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are all “Citizens of the Year”.
I love you, Port O’Connor!

Nancy and Red Childers, married 66 years!

The most “newlywed” couple: Forrest Marlin and his wife Michelle