Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Mar 23 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

It has been some very busy days here at the Chapel! Has anyone noticed that there is a huge chunk of steel lying between our Chapel and the Parsonage? Well, that is where a project that I felt the Lord asked me to do at least nine years ago. “Build Me a 50-foot Cross” was what I believed I heard early one morning in 2014. Having worked with wood most of my life, I immediately thought of a 12” X 12” treated post. After learning from an engineer that I would need a piece of wood 65’ long, I started looking., Everywhere in both the Northeast and the Northwest, I was told the same thing – “we do not have machines that will handle anything that long.” Joe and Vera Wiatt found me a “gun barrel” style post, but I did not want to add a “power pole” to our facilities!

Just before Christmas of 2014, Donnie Haynes came by and asked what project I needed help completing. After a few minutes lost in thought, I mentioned a cross. He told me that a friend had given him some steel, and he was willing to help me accomplish my goal. Then questions arose about the stability of such a structure and how to accomplish it. This led me to a missionary friend who is involved in building, Reverend Norman Knoodle. He introduced me to an engineer who worked out of his basement but could only be assessed by E-Mail. I still have my original plans, which I drew on graphing paper.

I will elaborate on my difficult journey in a later issue, but the point I am attempting to make is that over these past nine years, I have been helped with my goal of pleasing the Lord by many people, benefactors, and the prayers and encouragement of many people. This task has never been about me accomplishing anything, but is a combination of those who have seen the opportunity to make a statement for our Lord, Who has given us all so much! The steel you have been driving by to see is much more than just steel to me! It is what the Lord can do through the many to help a project be accomplished in a dramatic fashion! I can hardly wait to see it lifted in place, lighted, and ready for its formal dedication! Stay tuned!

February was filled with preaching engagements for both Pastor Joane and me. The most unique one for me was preaching for a Men’s Conference in Sweeny, Texas. It had been organized by Patrick Overton. It was well attended, well organized, and truly an opportunity I will long remember. It was so good to see Patrick shine as we know he could and would eventually. He and his bride made a great team and blessings flowed from them to those in attendance. I will look forward to another opportunity!

March is shaping up to be a month of preparation for coming events. We are looking forward to Easter, especially the 7:00 a.m. Sunrise Service on the front beach! This year, the First Baptist Church will be providing the minister and their choir will sing. There will be hot coffee available, but unless someone comes forward and volunteers, no cinnamon rolls, since Cathy’s Restaurant is no more! Come by car, golf cart, bicycle, or on foot, but be sure to be there and join with many others to sing, “He Lives”.

At the Chapel, Pastor Joane is leading us in a study of God’s Word that she is calling “Route 66”. Since there are sixty-six books in the Bible, we are attempting to give one a great introduction to the Bible stories in each Book and allow it to serve as a type of “Bible Survey Course”. We are presently in the Book of Judges and are looking at the individuals who were instrumental in seeing the nation of Israel develop from a nation of slaves to a nation of warriors for the Lord’s plans. Come and join us on this journey through Scripture!

Fisherman’s Chapel in an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to make each of our eternal destinations secure with our Lord. Sunday services are: Bible Study – 10:00 a.m.; Morning Service – 11:00 a.m. and Evening Service – 6:00 p.m. On Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m., we begin with a fellowship meal and then a study of God’s Word. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, Grow With Us”!

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