Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Mar 23 - Comments Off on Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

It’s spring already and it seems like it was just Christmas!! I guess it’s not really spring yet on the calendar, but school kids are on spring break right now, so we’ll call it spring. Anyway, lots of things are going on all over town and POC is full of visitors. Here at FBC, we are keeping busy, too. Our pastor search committee is working very hard to find a full time pastor. In the mean time, we have been blessed with so many excellent visiting preachers each week. If you are looking for a church home or just visiting, come join us any Sunday for Sunday school at 10:00 or church at 11:00. We’re waiting to welcome you.

Easter will be here before you know it on April 9. Don’t forget about the Sunrise Service at the front beach at 7:00 a.m. What a special time that always is. If you have never been, don’t miss it this year. Join with several hundred others to watch the sun come up over the bay and participate in a special worship service. The day before Easter, FBC will host our annual EGG HUNT at 2:00. Children from toddlers through 6th grade are welcome to come and hunt for the golden eggs to win special prizes. Afterwards stay for punch and cookies with us.

It’s not too soon to be thinking about Vacation Bible School. This year it is set for June 12-15. Mark your calendars and reserve your grandchildren! Every year, we are filled to overflowing with so many happy smiling little faces. The time will be from 9:00 until 12:00, Monday through Thursday. Check on the FBC Facebook page to register or call the church at 361-983-2727. You can also contact Candice Stryker for details. Registration will start in May.

We have ongoing activities at FBC for almost all ages. TEAM KIDS meets each Wednesday at 5:30. This is for second through sixth graders. They have dinner and then divide into groups for Bible Study, crafts and recreation. Our church van is available to pickup and return your child each evening. Call the church for details. The middle and high school students also meet on that night. They are welcome to join the younger one for dinner at 5:30 and start their activities at 6:00.

We have ladies Bible study in Tuesdays at 4:00 in our Fellowship Hall. We will be starting a new study in about 3 weeks. Walk-ins welcome. Come join anytime. Hope to see you soon for any or all of our events.

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