Fish Out of Water by Thomas Spychalski…

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Apr 23 - Comments Off on Fish Out of Water by Thomas Spychalski…

It seems that allergens and the allergic reactions they cause are almost like your body’s version of a self fulfilling prophecy.

Your body thinks that all that nasty tree pollination is a personal attack even though it is not, so along with all the clogged nasal passages and sinus headaches that come with it, your body is also the victim of an internal lie.

I didn’t always use to have allergies, at least not the ones that burns like I stuck a small sun up my nose just because it’s spring, I always knew I was allergic to dogs and cats but I never let it stop me from hugging a Fido or a kitty, I mean have you seen how damn cute those guys are?
It might be stupid, but in the end some of my best friends ended up being cats and dogs so I still maintain, despite complications, that this was the right choice.

However, it seems the last couple years that seasonal allergies have come home to roost in my cranium and if the current clogging and throbbing up there are any indication of how long their stay will be, it seems they like it here and made a reservation for every spring.

I hope they enjoy their stay but I already know by the noise I’m hearing up there that they are wrecking the rooms up there.

Funny thing is I’ve been waiting to see an allergist, and they will when it would seem the allergens will be retreating, which does not seem like a great time to be tested or treated.
That said. it could be worse, allergies can be serious, enough to land one in the hospital in the most extreme cases.

That being said, I have an extra issue with the idea of allergies, and that is the most popular allergy medication actually makes me feel ill, meaning it might only be via an allergy expert that I finally feel relief.

So until then it’s a bunch of home remedies and prayer, I would not find it so annoying if the burning sensation didn’t make it impossible for me to sleep on an almost ‘toothache’ level.

Worse this time, it has taken away my sense of taste and smell. Besides the obvious thing to think that it could be COVID instead (I’m pretty sure it’s not), losing taste and smell is not a fun thing to go through, your food having no taste is just another insult added to my allergy injuries.

My allergies really went off the deep end starting two years ago when I was in Knoxville, Tennessee an area of East Tennessee where the locals have a saying: “If you don’t have allergies when you get here you will when you leave.”

That said, I guess it’s just a small inconvenience compared to many things, I’d just like my nose to not be red and aching and to be able to taste my chicken soup.

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