Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 May 23 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Thanks to all who helped me celebrate my Anniversary of my 29th Birthday! I have not forgotten anyone who remembers just how many anniversaries I have celebrated, but it is my fullest intentions to keep the party going on! The Chapel Family planned and executed a grand party on Wednesday, May 10. I had to share the experience with six people in our congregation who are also celebrating a May Birthday. They are Pastor James, Kailee, Marcus, Tom, and Everett. There was much more food than we could eat AND pies! We sincerely appreciate being a part of the Port O’Connor community and especially the Chapel Family! Come join us!

Have you seen the Cross? It was raised on Sunday afternoon, May 7. I am writing the story which will be shared after the dedication. Yes, we have some rock work to do around the base of the Cross and the lighting to install. We will let everyone know when the dedication will be so all can attend! We were told that someone counted 260 people there for the Cross Raising! This has been a long journey and many people have worked hard to make it happen. On the base of the Cross was written, “In Obedience”. This is the only reason a Cross has been put here – I felt years ago the Lord asked us to put up a large Cross for His Glory and we have simply been attempting to be obedient!

We enjoyed a great Mothers’ Day celebration, with every mother presented a special gift designed by Pastor Joane There were tributes to mothers and special prayers for them and their families.

Our community and the Chapel Family are preparing for our Warrior’s Weekend. We are fixing 750 breakfast tacos for the Saturday morning meal. We have been sharing in this activity since it began coming to Port O’Connor. We could not do it without the help of many friends from our community! Our “Egg Cracking Party” will be on Friday, May 19, beginning at 6:00 p.m., where we will prepare 1,500 eggs for cooking. On Saturday, May 20, we will start cooking and rolling the breakfast tacos at 3:00 a.m. at the Chapel. Anyone who would like to get in on the fun, please show up! We appreciate Ron bringing this great weekend to us because we sincerely appreciate our soldiers!

On May 31, I remember accepting Christ as my personal Savior in 1963. I know exactly the church, the setting, and the spot in the church in Catossa, Oklahoma, where I had my personal encounter with Jesus. I have never been the same as I have done my best to follow my Lord every day since day one. Can you remember the day of your salvation? If you have never accepted Jesus, then do it today and start your journey that leads to Heaven!

We are planning special activities on Father’s Day, June 18. Every dad present will receive special recognition and a gift. Pastor Joane will be preaching that special service. Make plans to attend and bring your dad with you!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to make our pathway to Heaven more easy to follow. We teach the Scriptures in our Bible Study Classes at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. Pastor Joane is leading the ministry at the 11:00 a.m. Morning Service in what we are calling “Route 66”. We are attempting to preach from all 66 Books of the Bible and are using all the services to accomplish that task – the Sunday Evening at 6:00 p.m. service, and the Wednesday service which begins at 7:00 p.m. We always have great fellowship. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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